Tips for Fox-Proofing Coop/Run, Please!


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2015
Newbie here! We just started our first brood and will be purchasing a coop in the next month/6 weeks.

We will probably be buying our coop pre-constructed from a local feed store and coop village. They are hand built and lovely coops, we just can't build our own with a one year old running around and taking over our lives!

We DO have foxes who we have seen running and playing in our yard. They live in the easement adjoining our yard. (we are urban dwellers). Last year there was a land feud between the foxes and a coyote. We have not seen either of them (the foxes or coyote) yet this year... but I expect to see one or the other soon. I must confess to have fondness for the foxes, but now that we will have a coop of 6-8 chickens, I want to be sure they are as safe as they can be!

All of the coops/runs we are looking at are enclosed along the bottom with chicken wire. Will this be enough to keep wily predators out? Should we do any trenching below the coop/run?

Also, is it safe to let the chickens roam in the yard when we are out gardening?

Truly, I know very little but am learning and reading every day. Tips are much appreciated!!
Welcome to BYC...keep in mind, that poultry wire is designed to keep chickens in, however it won't keep predators out. Night time predators like raccoons, which you prolly also have could be a bigger problem with poultry wire...Making things predator proof and worry free takes stronger wire for the long haul.

We have a lot of predators here...what works best for the outside pen is heavy wire like 1x2 or 2x4 wire...I use the 2x4 wire and then run a 24" high hardware cloth along the bottom for the chicks when they are small. I've never lost a bird in my pens.

I also free range my flocks during the daytime....predators at times have taken their toll...the worst being a mother bobcat that was relentless even if we were outside.....if you free range, then you need to realize that at some point the predators will win.

Thanks for the tips!! I will make sure to check on the thickness of the wire and upgrade it if it's not thick enough.

Luckily we don't have any bobcats here in the city, but you're probably right about raccoons (even though I've never seen any in this neighborhood). We will take as many precautions as we can! We're so excited about our little brood.
Electrified poultry netting or placing hot-wire very close to run / coop. I use both very effectively against all manner of bad guys. Dogs also employed but protection of smaller areas possible without them from wild canids.
Since we have dogs (and they are very soft, city house dogs who sleep on beds) I'm a little worried about using electrified wire type defenses. Should that be a concern?

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