turkey with wobbley legs

Sugar Sand Farm

12 Years
Apr 24, 2007
North Florida
One of my 8 week old turkeys can hardly walk its legs are bowed and she walks with a wobble I started giving her poly vi sol vitamins yesterday. They are broad breasted bronze turkeys. We are feeding a feed with 16% protein as we do not want them to over eat. We want ti keep them as pets as long as we can. I have also added electolytes and vitamins to their water Does anyone know whats happening here We have three the same age and she is the only one with this problem.The other two are toms. Can anyone suggest something else to give them to add more protein to their diet. I have tried crushed egg but they wouldn't eat it. any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Micki
Sounds to me like you aren't giving them enough protein to survive. They need a turkey or game bird ration, or at a minimum some chick starter. 16% is very low protein. What kind of feed is it?
An 8 week old turkey should be on turkey grower. Are they eating a 16% layer ration or what is it? 16% is just too low for turkeys at this early of growth, which could be causing your problems.


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