update on 142 nest (now 212)

Well steffpeck, one grand daughter wanted A chicken, as in 1. Then her brother wanted 1, her cousin wanted 1 and her other cousin wanted 1. If you have or when you have grand children they never seem to have or get enough of anything. By the time they have 10 each, that makes 40, you will have a few roos. Then they want to watch them hatch the eggs. Not only here but at school, girl scouts, boy scouts, and any other social cub they belong to. Even giving some to the other kids, in short oder you have 225 hens and about 20 roosters. Ask any grand parent, things get out of hand with grand children.

cookinmom, we have 20 roosters. Between them and the hens, we get an average of 85% hatch rate. Call me lucky for if some of these roos look at a hen they end up with fertile eggs.

I complain all the time, but wouldn't have it any other way. The grand kids want to come over all the time to help. My wife sells the eggs at the hospital where she works, which pays for the feed. I also sell fertile eggs at the feed store in town. And I NEVER have to eat store bought eggs.
panner123 you are a true grandparent!!!! My sister got my kids interested animals and now all the kids at school think we have the neatest house.

When my daughter's class hatched eggs I kept them in my classroom, the computer lab because all the kids K-6th grade could see them. The kids loved it!! One teacher wanted my husband to build a coop at the school for the chickens so everyone could enjoy them. It's a too isolated place to try to keep chickens around.

I am decorating my classroom in the fall in "Mrs Campbell's Farm" with photos of all the chickens, goats, rabbits, dog and cats (will probably have a horse by then)

I appauled you for your work for your grandkids.

i wish i could have that many chickens i would love it!! i have just 3 hens though one broody sitting on 3 eggs praying will hatch and praying there will be a little brown hen cant keep roosters so have to get hybrid eggs and as she is only a bantam she could only cover 3 do you know may chances of getting a hen? im praying i will and they will hatch my first hatching experience day 20 at 3pm suspense is killing me!!!:mad:
wow...that is alot of chicken ! I have 4 hens right now and none will brood..........none......hoping to get a few more soon............only one of my babies have made it.got coop secure and looks like she will be okay now........just wish these hens would sit....
panner123, you must be one of the coolest grandparents ever!!! I would love to see all those chickens and all those cute little chicks when they hatch. Good Luck!!!
You have a 50/50 chance of an egg being a hen. You have three eggs so there is a good chance you will have a hen, maybe two. I have seen the time when all the eggs was either hens or roos, but it breaks down to 50/50.
Don't collect the eggs and put plastic Easter eggs in the nest. They will brood. It is natural for a hen to brood, but if you bother them all the time they won't. If left be all hens will brood once they start laying.
thanks panner123 i have a fairly good chance of getting a hen then hopefully wont get a rarer all rooster hatch as long as they hatch that is hopefully will find out tomorrow day 21 at 3pm

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