Use Raw egg white for Frostbite on Comb and wattles

Gramma Chick

11 Years
Apr 19, 2012
Jordan New York
Use Raw Egg White ..
I know it is controversial...
I wash my eggs and put white vinegar in the rinse somewhat sterilize them .
Let them dry ..then Refrigerate them
My Rooster also got frost bite like yours and swelled wattles .
I brought him inside
he would eat and drink for me if hand fed him on the table .
For pain I put on raw egg white on the comb and wattles from the frig .
it works for burns and stops the pain .

if the wattles have food on them ..I bab them clean with a wet cotton ball 1st
then 2 or 3 times a day I put a little egg white in a shot glass
and . with a cotton ball dab it on the effected area

20180105_165136.jpg Cowboy stood on my bathroom sink and let me do this .
So I know it helped him

I used this on my stomach from burns I got from the pressure cooker water.
My fault I was impatient and opened it too soon .Water poured out directly on my stomach
It stopped the pain instantly ... and healed without any noticeable scars

pic when it first happened to Cowboy

20180111_125243.jpg 20180111_125222.jpg

pic now 4 weeks later
20180201_151245.jpg 20180201_151216.jpg
He lost the tips of some of his comb and the slight edge of his wattles.
He also is the sweetest Rooster I have ever had I can Cuddle with him any time I want .
Here is our selfie when I was feeding him ..He is tucked under my arm
Here is his baby pic ..He is a Maran
20160801_201151.jpg See why he got that name
His comb was huge - his hat , his feathered feet - his boots
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