Vent gleet?


May 16, 2024
I have a chicken that I thought had vent gleet. She had pasty butt and I cleaned her up and her bottom was bright red. I began giving her ACV at 1 tablespoon per gallon. I did that for a week also daily baths with Epson salts. Also probiotics for 10 days. The first few days I did benadine internally and externally. That didn’t seem to be helping. I tried ACV and water spray on her bottom for a few days that didn’t help so I got antifungal cream and that seem to help. I have been doing the fungal cream for a week externally. I started giving her fungal cream internally for four days now. She still has the yeasty discharge. I’m at wits end I don’t know what else to do. She has been drinking water and eating a little bit. Please help.
these were taken this morning. The top one is before her bath first thing this morning. The second one is this morning‘s droppings.
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I would get Monistat or something like that for yeast infections and slather that all over her vent area. She can have that orally as well.

Giving her about a tablespoon of Greek yogurt or get some of the powdered probiotics like Hydro-Hen or Sav-a-Chick for their water would help too.

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