Watery diarrhea but no parasites; stinks bad


Oct 7, 2023
The ill chicken is an approximately 7 month old Buff Orpington hen. Her and the rest of the flock mates poop has been tested for parasites by the vet. No worms, protozoans etc. The vet did find traces of unbudding candida. That made sense since I initially thought she had vent fleet and treated her with fungal medication. The vet put her on antibiotics and anti inflammatory in combination with the fungal treatment. We administered the last doses 2 days ago. Throughout the treatment her diarrhea never improved and is still suuuuper watery brown goo. She eats but doesn’t fill up her crop all that much before going to bed. Her comb is marginally paler than her sisters, but she’s scratching for food, flying around and behaving mostly normal. She is on the thinner side. We’ve also given her probiotics and washed her butt regularly (she gets watery poop on her feathers and stinks).

No one else in the coop is having issues. She’s got no signs of injury. The only weird thing I can spot is that her cloaca has a brown ring surrounding the opening. The skin looks discolored, but it’s not poop. It seems to be healing too, but I’m very confused as to what is going on with her. Does anyone have experience with this?

She is on all flock crumble feed, has access to oyster shell, grit, and fresh water. She and her flock buddies (including two roosters) live free ranging on 4 acres and are locked up in a 12x12 chicken house with pine shavings and roost bars over night.

I’d appreciate your ideas and thoughts!
It may be from the antibiotics.

After antibiotics, they should be given probiotics. If you ferment grains/feed, that's one of the best, as is sugar-free Greek yogurt. Save A Chick has a probiotic product, and Hydro Hen we use from time to time as well.

In rereading, I see you did give some probiotics. Perhaps some vitamins like Nutra Drench or Poultry Cell in the water and keep going with the probiotics.
It may be from the antibiotics.

After antibiotics, they should be given probiotics. If you ferment grains/feed, that's one of the best, as is sugar-free Greek yogurt. Save A Chick has a probiotic product, and Hydro Hen we use from time to time as well.

In rereading, I see you did give some probiotics. Perhaps some vitamins like Nutra Drench or Poultry Cell in the water and keep going with the probiotics.
I’ll try some Greek yogurt, maybe the probiotics I’ve used so far weren’t great 🤔
I’ll also add vitamins to the water 👍 I’ll report back how it develops 🐓 thank you for your help! 👍
I’ll try some Greek yogurt, maybe the probiotics I’ve used so far weren’t great 🤔
I’ll also add vitamins to the water 👍 I’ll report back how it develops 🐓 thank you for your help! 👍
Please do as I'm curious. It sounds to me like you're doing a wonderful job there. I hope she gets better soon!! :hugs
She’s got no signs of injury. The only weird thing I can spot is that her cloaca has a brown ring surrounding the opening. The skin looks discolored, but it’s not poop. It seems to be healing too, but I’m very confused as to what is going on with her.
Photos of her, her vent and her poop?

Skin looks discolored at the vent and it seems to be healing...did she suffer a prolapse? If she has not injury, what is healing?
Photos of her, her vent and her poop?

Skin looks discolored at the vent and it seems to be healing...did she suffer a prolapse? If she has not injury, what is healing?
She didn’t suffer a prolapse. The skin is discolored but was not injured. The top layer is of the skin is currently shedding that coloration.

I’ll try taking pictures of her rear tomorrow. I need to organize a second set of hands for that. Her poop is very watery diarrhea but doesn’t really show up well in pictures with all the pine shavings. I’ll attach a picture of the poop and chicken in question.🤓


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