
Have you tested all the boards to make sure they are secure? Are there any openings bigger than 1/2 inch? Do you have photos of it? I bet somebody would spot the area it is getting in. It's hard to think clearly when you are faced with losing so many birds at one time.
Help!! I have a weasel taking out all my chickens. I woke up the other day to 9 dead chickens in the coop. The chickens looked barely touched but were dead all over the floor. I assumed a weasel and that he got in through a vent hole that wasn't covered. I covered the vent hole securely, and couldn't find any other possible holes, but the two days later woke up to two more dead chickens. I've checked everywhere for possible holes that he can be getting in, and set a live trap and some sticky traps in the back area of the coop where the chickens can't reach and he seems to be hanging out (I found a stash of egg shells and feathers back there). He's alluding the traps. I've had to move my few remaining chickens out of the coop into a small secure kennel at night because otherwise I'm just feeding a weasel each night. I don't know what to do. Any advice from people who have dealt with this would really help. I'm devastated about how many hens I've lost (Of course my 2 roosters are just fine). What kind of trap will catch a weasel? How can I further secure what appears to be an already secure coop? (It's an add on to the shed, solid wood, insulated, with a raised wooden floor).
Thank you.
Weasels are incredibly small, and you almost can't trap them. They're smart enough to figure out most traps, even box traps. Put your remaining chickens in a crate or something and bring them inside, or you're going to keep losing birds. Then you can focus on trying to get rid of him. He's either living in your building or getting in somewhere. Sticky traps are not strong enough to hold a weasel, even though they're tiny they'll get out. They are, in my opinion, the hardest predator to deal with.
I agree that it would be helpful to see pics.

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