Weed killer sprayed! What now?


Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2020
East Central Illinois
I looked out my back window and saw someone spraying my lawn. I ran outside and yelled stop but he had already sprayed most of the fenced off area. He had the wrong house.

Now that it’s already done I need to know the next steps.

First, he game me the name: Merit Talstar. No fertilizer was applied.

He sprayed my front yard and the fenced off part of my backyard. I can keep the girls off this area.

It’s not very windy and he did not spray on the fence line seeing I had chickens.

He says he treats a lot of properties that have chickens multiple times in a year. He was aware of my girls and said he planned a specific spray pattern based on the wind and location of them.

I’ve locked my girls up but there are 4 young ones we cannot catch so we are penning them up near the coop and away from the fence line.

What next? I’m leaving Friday morning for the weekend. I prefer to not have them locked up the whole time. This is not their routine and I won’t be there so two stressors are not ideal.

And wouldn’t you know, we have the worst air quality in the world, right now🤦🏼‍♀️

Any knowledge offered will be greatly appreciated! Google is all over the place. Thank you!
They'll be fine locked up for the weekend, they'll fuss but they'll be fine. Better than the risk.
I literally just introduced the chicks to the flock. All has gone well but with free ranging it alway has. I’m also nervous for so much change in a matter of 48 hrs with the MD and MG. We have 90 sq feet of predator proof run space and 30 sq feet of coop space. We have 5 full sized hen, 1 silkie and 1 bantam who all do great together. It’s the addition of the four 8 week old chicks I’m worried about. I have 4 feeders and 2 water containers which I can add more. Plenty of vertical roosts and low coverings that the bigger girls cannot reach for fast getaways. One chick has feather loss on her back, no skin damage, from a bully chick. I am treating it and made her a cape to protect it from any further pecking but confinement without full healing really scares me. I do not want to cancel my trip but…..
That product is a mix of two insecticides, not an herbicide: bifenthrin and imidacloprid. They are long lasting, up to several months, but supposed to be low toxicity to birds. Not so good for bees.
Oh wow, he said it was for weeds and grubs. I told him my girls love the grubs. And now I’m more frustrated because we plant clover for the bees.I am pretty upset over this. Thank you for the information.

It started raining here though it was after the two hour drying time. I hope there is no run off to the chicken area.
I looked out my back window and saw someone spraying my lawn. I ran outside and yelled stop but he had already sprayed most of the fenced off area. He had the wrong house.

Now that it’s already done I need to know the next steps.

First, he game me the name: Merit Talstar. No fertilizer was applied.

He sprayed my front yard and the fenced off part of my backyard. I can keep the girls off this area.

It’s not very windy and he did not spray on the fence line seeing I had chickens.

He says he treats a lot of properties that have chickens multiple times in a year. He was aware of my girls and said he planned a specific spray pattern based on the wind and location of them.

I’ve locked my girls up but there are 4 young ones we cannot catch so we are penning them up near the coop and away from the fence line.

What next? I’m leaving Friday morning for the weekend. I prefer to not have them locked up the whole time. This is not their routine and I won’t be there so two stressors are not ideal.

And wouldn’t you know, we have the worst air quality in the world, right now🤦🏼‍♀️

Any knowledge offered will be greatly appreciated! Google is all over the place. Thank you!
I'm bummed for you! I'd be really upset if this happened to me. I hate chemicals that hurt bees! I plant so many flowers and shrubs specifically to attract bees and butterflies and my chicken's roam an area that let the grass go wild in. I guess I'd have to keep them off for a bit, water alot to try to leach it down, maybe add some topsoil if you can ? Just really sorry for you, dang!!
I'm bummed for you! I'd be really upset if this happened to me. I hate chemicals that hurt bees! I plant so many flowers and shrubs specifically to attract bees and butterflies and my chicken's roam an area that let the grass go wild in. I guess I'd have to keep them off for a bit, water alot to try to leach it down, maybe add some topsoil if you can ? Just really sorry for you, dang!!
Yep, we also have a lot of native plants so this is quite disappointing. I don’t believe he was able to spray near our two largest areas of natives which is good. But just tonight my son and I were enjoying watching the ladybug larvae chase aphids. If we lose all of our beneficial bugs I will be very upset.
Yes Talstar is an insecticide, used often for bedbugs and mosquitoes, and other insects. Not weeds. Hopefully you will get a lot of rain in the near future to wash it off the surface. I hope that this mistake doesn’t affect your chickens or plans. Here is some reading about it:
https://gss.fmc.com/us/en/products/insecticides/talstar-professional-insecticide-pest-control#:~:text=Talstar® Professional insecticide achieves,, ticks and especially, mosquitoes.
Thank you. Seems to be safe enough but better to keep the girls away for now. He showed me the names on an hand held device and in my state of panic I might have missed the herbicide. I am thinking to call the company tomorrow and see which herbicide he used.

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