Weird new baby turkey and now my chicks are dying???

May 9, 2020
Tampa, Florida
I got this weird new turkey the day before yesterday. I actually got 2, a bourbon red and some other one. I noticed something wrong with the bourbon and it seems to have issues. Here's a comparison I made of the behaviors

Bourbon- got this one and it hates us, it gets so stressed and puffs its cheeks but also tried to bite at first. when we hold him, it holds its mouth open a little like it is angry but then it starts doing this weird sneeze/clicking sound. It had poopy butt bad and I cleaned it but its back again a day later. His head looks really weird (this turkey kinda scares me it looks and acts evil lol)

Other one- got this one and it was a little stressed at first, puffing its cheeks. but now it's nice like the white one.

White- we've had this one and it's really sweet, talkative and loves us.

They all eat and drink fine and seem healthy. I did a little test where I held them so their legs are unsupported. The other one and white one cried. But the red just made hissing huffing noises like it has no voice at all! Right now it's puffing it's cheeks, making clicking noises and breathing heavy. I noticed it has what looks like a scratch across it's face and literally looks like someone took an icecream scoop and scooped part of its beak off (i know that didn't happen dw thats just how i can explain the appearance) It also sneezes occasionally while doing the clicking sounds.

We don't have a good rate of chicks living as it is, but 2 days after we introduced the turkey, 6 older chicks have died. It's weird how they all died like that.

But what I am also wondering is if the exploded egg could have killed them?? We had this incubator yesterday, which is near the brooder, I was checking why no eggs were hatching so I tried to take one out and it broke, filling the house with an awful odor. I'm just wondering if maybe the bacteria or whatever was in the air and they breathed it in? This happened yesterday afternoon and I found all the dead chicks this morning.

Also a lot if the chicks had or get poopybutt, but that is cleaned right away. They are on medicated crumble

I'm worried because I don't know what the problem is. There is some chicks that were supposed to go out into the little coop today. But with all the deaths I'm scared to, since we have some out there rn. I also bought some baby ducks yesterday, and they have all been together. Since they've been exposed to the turkey already what do I do? (if the turkey is even the problem that is) Also, all the baby turkeys outside have been close to this one and they are all fine (the turkeys in here that have been with him are fine too) This is just so weird to me I don't know what is happening

Btw most of what died came from tractor supply, but we have had them a week and the bigger ones have been OK

What do you think? Is it the rotten egg or the weird turkey? What should I do?

Edit: I had them all in separate boxes when I was cleaning the brooder (duckling/poults in 1, small chicks in 1 and larger chicks in 1) I saw bloody poop in the small chicks box. I think the turkey and egg explosion is just a coincidence maybe? We got TSC chicks a little over a week ago and I'm thinking it could be coccidiosis thats just now showing up in our chicks?


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it honestly sounds like it could be a respiratory type of issue. tractor supply chicks aren't generally healthy usually, but it's possible this sick poult could have given the others a respiratory illness which wrecked their probably already weak immune systems. hopefully someone else here can give you more info on what to do!
it honestly sounds like it could be a respiratory type of issue. tractor supply chicks aren't generally healthy usually, but it's possible this sick poult could have given the others a respiratory illness which wrecked their probably already weak immune systems. hopefully someone else here can give you more info on what to do!
ugh that sucks. I just found bloody poop from one of the chicks tho, isn't that coccidiosis? I don't know much about it but I thought medicated feed prevented it. I just read it takes about 8 days to show up and that's about how long we've had the TSC chicks 🥺
That is a really wierd looking beak. It looks like it may have been defored or injured right where the nostril are located, could that be causing the strange behavior and noises ? Have you had any other sicks birds since those 2 chicks or noticed anymore strange behavior ?

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