What colors for button quail?

Big Dreamer

9 Years
Aug 21, 2010
Central, FL
What do these little guys look like to you? (Color wise)
Them trying to snuggle with the water bottle!
I have a video uploading so you can see them better!
The one on the far left looks like a silver, the other lighter one could be a silver red-breasted, and the little black one... no idea :) Never seen o0ne so black before.

They do have more heat than just a water bottle right? They should have a heat lamp to provide constant radiant heat :)
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Oh yes they have a heat lamp also, but I heat up a water bottle so they can snuggle up with it. Its only them three because that's all that hatched, so I was giving something to cuddle with! I really hoped I got a blue one (I think wild type?) The blackish one is actually brownish close up. I have a video coming up in a little!
awww so cute!! I miss hatching little buttons!

I think the dark one is like a tuxedo, he has a little white bib. The other two I'm sure are silver and silver red breasted. No wild types. The wild types are dark and yellow striped as far as i remember.

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