What happened to this egg?


8 Years
Jun 6, 2013
I found this in the nesting box yesterday. I had harvested eggs about 2 hours previously (checking regularly so they don't get too cold). The other boxes were full of eggs, this box just had the one. Not unusual. There was still a great glob of yolk inside, but all the white was gone. Minimal mess in the nesting box. Virtually the whole egg is in tact but kind of crushed a bit. I've never seen this! Someone once mentioned skunks poke holes in eggs. They're fully enclosed in a run and the coop is shut tight. I don't see how a skunk could've gotten in there, eaten just one egg, not bothered the chickens, and got out in that time frame. But maybe? I have no rats in the area. Possum (I've heard, but have never seen one), coon, skunk, mink, the rare otter, cats, squirrels, mice, voles, coyotes, foxes... that's about the sum of the 4 legged 'pests/predators' around here.

And egg with no top? Crazy! That did flit through my head, but I've never ever seen it before! Is that just a freak incident or a sign there's something wrong with the hen?
And egg with no top? Crazy! That did flit through my head, but I've never ever seen it before! Is that just a freak incident or a sign there's something wrong with the hen?
Usually just a one off...if you see another anytime soon find out who it's from and check her over and keep an eye on her.

Look thru some of these links, lots of strange things come out of a chicken.

I've only got two black copper marans laying these beautiful eggs, so it's one or the other. I'll keep watch, but hopefully no more freaks :)
Yes most likely deformed egg. My girls occasionally lay a new shape of egg every once in a while.

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