What's the limit of ducks when it comes to cold weather?


Jul 22, 2023
Hi guys..I have two pet ducks and I built them a house inside of my garage..The garage has no heat transfer device and the weather here is around 30F(-1C) and it gets colder and colder when I was checking the weather forecast until 25F so I was wondering if my boys are going to be OK? They have hay bedding and food(pellet, oats and wheat) and also water in their house..Idk should I add something else like cracked corn on their food too? Also should I let them swim in this weather on the outside?
no swimming if its freezing
my ducks are fine in the 20's (F)
when its teens their feet get cold so they lay down on them and so I put straw on the ground around their water buckets and food
they drink eat and go back in their coop
the coop really needs good ventilation to let the humidity out even when its freezing its most important
windows up higher than ducks heads at least 2 feet higher
need 1 sq foot per duck
windows covered with hardware cloth 1/2 inch
to keep out predators
If its going to be windy they must have places to get out of wind
when we have storms/blizzrds I bring my ducks into a room I have in my basement for them
more for me than them really, i dont want to have to be out in that weather caring for them lol
no swimming if its freezing
my ducks are fine in the 20's (F)
when its teens their feet get cold so they lay down on them and so I put straw on the ground around their water buckets and food
they drink eat and go back in their coop
the coop really needs good ventilation to let the humidity out even when its freezing its most important
windows up higher than ducks heads at least 2 feet higher
need 1 sq foot per duck
windows covered with hardware cloth 1/2 inch
to keep out predators
If its going to be windy they must have places to get out of wind
when we have storms/blizzrds I bring my ducks into a room I have in my basement for them
more for me than them really, i dont want to have to be out in that weather caring for them lol
Thx for your comment..My garage is in the apartment..and it's like a tiny room so I guess they will be fine since there is no place for wind to come in..I put straw around their sleeping area and around the water bucket too fortunately..When I was checking their feet it was cold I hope they will be OK🥺 I know LoL today when I was giving them grits and treats I was freezing to death lmao 🤣😂🤣 I was wondering how they are so relax and chill on this cold weather
Thx for your comment..My garage is in the apartment..and it's like a tiny room so I guess they will be fine since there is no place for wind to come in..I put straw around their sleeping area and around the water bucket too fortunately..When I was checking their feet it was cold I hope they will be OK🥺 I know LoL today when I was giving them grits and treats I was freezing to death lmao 🤣😂🤣 I was wondering how they are so relax and chill on this cold weather
they all wearing down jackets lol !
by the way pine flakes are more absorbant but straw is fluffier and warmer so i use a mix of both together also I use towels under drinking water bucket otherwise the whole floor gets soaked but be careful that your towels dont have loops that little web footy nails can get caught in
by the way pine flakes are more absorbant but straw is fluffier and warmer so i use a mix of both together also I use towels under drinking water bucket otherwise the whole floor gets soaked but be careful that your towels dont have loops that little web footy nails can get caught in
Omg what a nice advice! I have pine flakes too but I don't use it that much since they like to eat them and idk why🫡🤣 but I guess mixing them with straw solve this problem? also the towel idea is great too...I use a carpet under their water bucket but I guess towel makes more sense

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