Wheaten vs black copper vs cuckoo Marans


In the Brooder
May 18, 2018
Could someone or multiple people post a pic of their cuckoo, Wheaton, and black copper marans?
What i know i have....
wheaten hen
barred rock hens
Cuckoo rooster
All of which were purchased as hatching eggs (at local auction of course) and none seem to match sellers claims. I will post pics of what I got as soon as I can. Thanks All!!
Cuckoo Marans cockerel

Cuckoo Marans cockerel


This is actually a Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel. Marans have white skin, so their legs would be pinkish or white, not yellow. ;) Cuckoo Marans would look similar otherwise, however.

Here are my Wheaten and Black Copper hens side by side:

Reinette and Nadine.jpg

I have plenty more pictures of them if you need them. :)

I only have pictures of a young male Black Copper, unfortunately, and not fully grown. They would normally have tail feathers at this stage, this guy was just a late bloomer for his tail. :lol:


The only Wheaten male I have a picture of was one who was dustbathing at a show I went to. Not sure if it'd be much help for anything, but I can post it, too, if you'd like. :)

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