When to Worm?

Need some EXPERT ADVICE....
I have 4 Buffs that will be about 22wks Monday/Sept 4. Hubby & I were curious as to how much they weighed, guessing 5# but now concerned cause I weighed them (2#, 3#, 3.5#, 3.75#) couple days ago. I feed them fermented Flock Raiser as much as they'll eat (est 1 - 1.5cups of dry). They get Romaine lettuce, Spinach, Papaya, Oatmeal, BOSS, Freeze Dried MW, tomato, bananas, raisins, other good stuff for treats, not all at once, about a cup or two a day. ACV in their water which get changed daily. They are confined to their enclosure (8x12x7) hard clay ground with good layer of shavings (DLM). I scoop the poop from the poop board daily & pick up whatever I see in the shavings. They're active & healthy, no issues.

Someone told me they're underweight & should be wormed. I don't believe in treatment unless needed but do believe in prevention. I got from CL when they were 8wks old. What do you all think? What should they weigh at 22wks? Should I worm them? If so what do you all suggest.

Need to call my Vet if he'll do a fecal test on their poop.

You may be giving them too many treats at the expense of the protein in their FF. All the treats are low protein. Also, if you are giving them FF, you definitely don't need to be giving them ACV b/c their FF is already quite acidic. While ACV can be good for birds that get dry feed, it should be offered along with plain water so the bird has a choice. I'd never consider using ACV for my flock's water, b/c they get FF.

If your vet won't do a fecal float, you can find an on line company that will. And Aart provides excellent advice: don't go by weight when deciding to worm. And don't worm a bird simply because you think they might have worms. And, don't even worm your flock if a few worms do show up on a fecal exam. It's not clinically indicated to worm a bird if there is a minor parasite load.

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