Which SA to keep for breeding?


8 Years
Sep 28, 2015
So of the 4 silver appleyards I got in May, I got 1 female, 2 somewhat decent colored males, and 1 male that is very light in color. My daughter has decided the very light one will be a pet and has dedicated her allowance to buy him some girlfriends and feed. Of the 2 remaining males, I'm trying to decide which to keep for breeding purposes. I would like to breed as close to the standards as possible with the current ducks that I have, with the plan to add more SA females in the fall. My female has already picked her favorite but she picked the one with more grey on his back. Of course she's a duck and doesn't make the rules so which would you pick? Pictures are below with the one I think has better coloration in orange and then the drake she prefers in magenta.
Just for fun, here is the drake that has always had very light markings. As a duckling his mohawk and tail coloration were almost non existent. He might make pretty offspring but they would only be usable as backyard ducks. His back is almost completely white.
I would wait another month or two before you decide. With Drake's especially I've had them go from rather dull and oddly colored at 4 months and by the time they are 6-7 months they look like a completely different duck.
I would wait another month or two before you decide. With Drake's especially I've had them go from rather dull and oddly colored at 4 months and by the time they are 6-7 months they look like a completely different duck.
That's too bad, they're such piggies. The group of 22 goes through over 100lbs of feed per month.

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