Why has my Easter Egger started laying only yolks?


6 Years
May 17, 2018
Afton, Minnesota
My Coop
My Coop
I hope someone can help me figure out why one of my chickens (12 months old) has started to lay eggs that appear to be only yolks with no whites or shell. I first noticed what I thought was simply the remains of what had been a broken egg about a week ago so cleaned it up and didn't think much more about it. Four days ago when I checked the nesting box for eggs there was a perfectly laid yolk sitting in the middle of the box so I thought it was a shell less egg. Two days ago I noticed that my Easter Egger, Olivia, had a messy butt with a little yellow on it so figured that she was the one laying these yolks, along with the fact that I hadn't gotten a blue egg from her for about a week. Today I noticed that her butt was even more messy with yolk and found more yellow yolk in the nesting box. I completely clean the box each time I find any yolk in it so I know it was from today. I gave Olivia a bootie bath and her vent looks good. While I was washing her I could see yolk on her beak so know she was eating some of it, too.

I feed my flock an organic layer feed and also offer oyster shells on the side and let them free range all day. The shells of all of the chicken's eggs (including those of Olivia when she was laying a normal egg) are very hard, so I don't think lack of calcium is the problem. Her comb is very red and she is as active as ever. I had a problem with mites begin a month or so ago but used Elector PSP a couple of times at a two-week interval as well as deep cleaning the coop and I don't see any mites on the girls or on their eggs now.

If anyone has any thoughts on what is going on please let me know. Thank you very much!
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Is the feed crumble, pellets, or cracked grains?
Are they eating the OS?

Might try giving her a special private breakfast with some crushed and some whole OS in a wetted feed every few days.
Is the feed crumble, pellets, or cracked grains?
Are they eating the OS?

Might try giving her a special private breakfast with some crushed and some whole OS in a wetted feed every few days.
It is a cracked grain/meal layer feed and yes, they are eating the oyster shells. I will give Olivia her own breakfast as you suggest and hopefully that will help. Thank you!
I hope someone can help me figure out why one of my chickens (12 months old) has started to lay eggs that appear to be only yolks with no whites or shell. I first noticed what I thought was simply the remains of what had been a broken egg about a week ago so cleaned it up and didn't think much more about it. Four days ago when I checked the nesting box for eggs there was a perfectly laid yolk sitting in the middle of the box so I thought it was a shell less egg. Two days ago I noticed that my Easter Egger, Olivia, had a messy butt with a little yellow on it so figured that she was the one laying these yolks, along with the fact that I hadn't gotten a blue egg from her for about a week. Today I noticed that her butt was even more messy with yolk and found more yellow yolk in the nesting box. I completely clean the box each time I find any yolk in it so I know it was from today. I gave Olivia a bootie bath and her vent looks good. While I was washing her I could see yolk on her beak so know she was eating some of it, too.

I feed my flock an organic layer feed and also offer oyster shells on the side and let them free range all day. The shells of all of the chicken's eggs (including those of Olivia when she was laying a normal egg) are very hard, so I don't think lack of calcium is the problem. Her comb is very red and she is as active as ever. I had a problem with mites begin a month or so ago but used Elector PSP a couple of times at a two-week interval as well as deep cleaning the coop and I don't see any mites on the girls or on their eggs now.

If anyone has any thoughts on what is going on please let me know. Thank you very much!
There are other forms of calcium to supplement with..it’s controversial and my opinion (you can find some info online) but I believe all oyster shell has unacceptable levels of heavy metals and pollutants..so I have sought other sources. As for your issue..I don’t have enough experience..but stress, disease, parasites and diet play the biggest roles in metabolic dysfunction..


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