Worms Found in Poop?


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2022
Hello everyone

I would love some insight on the worms I found in my chicken poop. I have four 8 week old BCM chicks that stay in a large cage in the coop with their broody mom during the night and then free range with the others during the day. I was cleaning out their cage and upon examining one of the poops, I found these tiny, white worms about the size of a grain of rice. I know for sure they were worms as they were moving. I've attached a picture I took of one, hopefully it is clear enough.

Everything I researched says this is a tapeworm, would that be correct? I don't know if the poop belongs to the mom hen or the chicks but I am aware I will need to treat the whole flock now. What's the best dewormer that is safe for the flock and chicks and that I can easily obtain, as there are no vets around me? They've never been wormed before. This is my first time dealing with worms and so any help would be greatly appreciated. Couldn't come at a worse time too as the neighbors dog came over and killed 7 of my hens the other day and injured 2 others and my rooster who I'm trying to treat the best I can. When it rains, it indeed pours. Thanks so much.

EDIT: Could it be maggots? The flies have been thick lately, so much that I've hung some fly strips around the coop. The hen and chicks are only in there at night and I put a fresh layer of bedding on the top yesterday so the poop would be from last night some time. I've never dealt with either yet so I don't know what I'm really looking at.


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