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  1. R

    Portable tractor question in predator heavy environment This is the one I like. They're 8 weeks now, so I don't think they'll be able to get out if it tips over, but I also think it wouldn't tip easily.
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    Is it too early to go outside?

    They were totally fine with a chicken brooder heater. They didn't even sleep by it!
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    Installing windows backwards in Midwest

    I did look at old threads and saw several people mentioned installing windows backwards. Is this something you can/ would be OK to do in the Midwest where we get lots of snow? Fall and spring are very capricious so we might have great weather for a week, then it snows in May! Any downside to...
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    Is it too early to go outside?

    We got a cozy coop too! Glad that's working for you, we're putting them out in the morning tomorrow!
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    Portable tractor question in predator heavy environment

    I'm a newbie to backyard chickens. We're moving our 5 weeks babies out to a shed run while we build the coop and run. I would like them to be able to range, but we're in an area that doesn't allow chickens to be outside and also we wouldn't in any case because we have hawks, foxes, mink, and...
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    Is it too early to go outside?

    Thank you! I keep reminding myself they're farm animals and should be ok!
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    Is it too early to go outside?

    I'm in northern Illinois, and temps are forecasted to be around 50 this week for lows. We'd like our 5 week chicks to go to an enclosed shed with a radiant heater this week. I'm not sure what fully feathered means, but they definitely have bald spots under their wings. We took the brooder and...
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    Very large flat hardware mesh roof

    The pictures on here are from others, we're just planning right now! We weren't planning to remove snow from the roof at all with the mesh roof, as the chickens will have some covered outdoor space in the shed (like a horse stall situation) so maybe some coverage to extend the roof line and...
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    Very large flat hardware mesh roof

    I think the concern we'd have with that roof structure is mostly that we have a lot of predators around here. They'll be in a really hard core shed at night but we're even thinking about electric fence for the run.
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    Very large flat hardware mesh roof

    Totally flat because the shed we're looking at is 7.5 feet tall at the eaves, and we're a very tall family (husband 6 feet 5, signs point to kiddo headed in the same direction) so don't want to have to crouch in the run at all.
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    Very large flat hardware mesh roof

    Thank you so much for this!!! I should clarify: we can only have 6 chickens total by local ordinance, so that seems like a lot of space to me for only a relatively small number of chickens! We're planning to build a probably 6x10 shed where 6x4 will be a sort of horse stall covered enclosure for...
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    Oh, we are!
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    Very large flat hardware mesh roof

    Anything you can add would be a complete blessing! How did you keep the middle from bowing? We are in the Midwest, so lots of snow, cold and shrinking and expanding are in our future!
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    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Very new! Have week and a half old chickens in my family room in an enclosure (storage bin) because my 10 year old son successfully lobbied my husband for chickens :) I was and am not super enthusiastic because poop. (2) How many...
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    Very large flat hardware mesh roof

    Hi there! New member with week old chicks in my basement brooder, frantically building a coop and run! Here is my question for anyone who is handy and has built a really large run. We're going to build a super large run, and want a very large run off a shed turned coop. The area would be maybe...
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