Recent content by Eggcessive

  1. Eggcessive

    Pink Eye in Chicken

    Doxycycline is also used for MG (mycoplasma gallisepticum.) Tiamulin, the other ingredient is the same as Denagard, which I mentioned above as a possible treatment as well. Tiamulin has a bad taste, so some people sweeten the water with additives to make it more tasty. That product should be...
  2. Eggcessive

    4 day old chick with injured leg

    Here is a link for examples of chicken slings for periods throughout the day, alternated with letting it lie down to sleep:
  3. Eggcessive

    4 day old chick with injured leg

    I would leave it open and continue to clean it. Was the chick walking normally up to now? Is the chick with same age chicks? Is there anything sharp (wire or a feeder, etc) in the brooder? Could the chick have fallen from something? Make sure that it can reach food and water, and that no others...
  4. Eggcessive

    Ducks attacked by rats - how to clean the wound? (Warning, picture)

    Initially, I would clean with chlorhexidene (Hibiclens) and half water from a first aid aisle or pharmacy. Mix it in a spray bottle for your convenience and maybe warm it in a bowl of warm water. You could also dab it on with a clean cloth or gauze pad. After a day or two, you could then just...
  5. Eggcessive

    Pink Eye in Chicken

    No, I would not limit food at all if you are using Tylosin. They need nutrition for those 5 days.
  6. Eggcessive

    Swollen poults foot.

    Welcome to BYC, and sorry about the poult’s accident. Unfortunately, I think the foot may be necrotic (dead,) and it may lose the foot eventually. It can take a month or more for it to auto amputate. I would do a daily warm soak in Epsom salts or Betadine water for 15 minutes, just in case...
  7. Eggcessive

    Unbalanced leg issues

    I had a similar experience with a 3 year old hen once. She was vaccinated as well. She suddenly lost balance, but her legs remained strong. She spent 5 weeks in a nest box moving around where I provided food and water plus vitamins and minerals within reach. I scooped droppings and kept her pine...
  8. Eggcessive

    Im so confused. I need help with a sick chick

    Since the sick chick was with the hatchery chicks for 4 days, they are already exposed, if there is MG. The stress of the move could have caused symptoms. I would place them back together and watch for any other signs of illness. Use the Tylosin again if one shows symptoms. It is only given for...
  9. Eggcessive

    Pink Eye in Chicken

    Conjunctivitis (pink eye) and the bubbles seen in the eye can be a sign of MG/CRD, a chronic respiratory disease in poultry. It is spread by a carrier and sometimes in a hatching egg. Your other chickens are probably exposed and only a couple of chickens may show symptoms. I would apply either...
  10. Eggcessive

    Red rashy skin and loss of feathers. Hasn’t laid an egg since February.

    Some of the feather loss may be from cannibalism and feather picking, but some could be from molting. If she is not molting, it may take until her next yearly molt for feathers to grow back. Are your chickens overcrowded? I would use a balanced chicken feed, such as Purina, Nutrina, or Kalmbach...
  11. Eggcessive

    Help! Chicken won't eat

    Orally, is how to give it. If they will eat all of a small treat, such as egg, peanut butter, or cream cheese, you can sometimes hide medicine.
  12. Eggcessive

    Help! Chicken won't eat

    There looks to be an egg membrane in the picture. She may be experiencing a reproductive disorder. Could you try giving some human calcium citrate with vitamin d3 300-600mg daily for a few days?
  13. Eggcessive

    Leg Injury or Deformity?

    It looks like a valgus leg bone deformity. If that is what it is, there is no treatment that works. I would try some B2 riboflavin vitamins in case of a riboflavin deficiency. Are you already using some vitamin E and B complex to treat the wry neck? B complex has riboflavin.
  14. Eggcessive

    Help my cickens feet!!

    Can you post a picture of the bumble foot? Soaking the feet in warm Epsom salts water, or a disinfectant such as chlorhexidene or Betadine may help to soften the scab, so that any solid pus may be squeezed out. Here is a good article about bumble foot...
  15. Eggcessive

    laying hen unable to walk / standing on one foot. help needed!

    The cut could be the local of an injury, and I would check it for an opening or drainage. Watch for the green bruising in the next day or two. Her foot pad looks to have bumble foot. That can be treated various ways, including warm soaks to the feet in Epsom salts daily. That can soften the...
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