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  1. G

    What Are They? Mystery "Game" Chicks

    Got these boys as "Game" chicks locally. Unable to find anything like them with Google, so I'm coming to the experts! What are these boys? I live in rural Florida. "Game" cockerel 1
  2. G

    What is He?

    This boy came from a farm of mainly Game birds. Any idea what he is or what he'll look like when he's older? Got a red breasted pullet and a red pyle cockerel from the same clutch, the broody/possible mom is a the brown and red hen in the background. Told she was a game hen.
  3. G

    Nervous- Early Hatch

    Probably a stupid question. It's day 19 for the eggs under our broody hen. 1 has already hatched and dried, another has pipped and is chirping, and I've no idea on the third. Mamma hen keeps repositioning the eggs. Is this bad? We're leaving them alone and watching from a distance, but we...
  4. G

    Food Safety of Sweaty Eggs?

    Cleaned my fridge earlier, and while the eggs were kept cold it's humid and rainy as all heck today. The eggs fridge is cold, the eggs stayed cold, but thanks the the weather, there is obvious sweating on nearly all 7 dozen of my eggs. I'm not sure if I should leave them or cook all of them and...
  5. G

    Help Me Pick My Rooster!

    I have had 2 roosters for my 2 flocks that roam freely in my yard. One is a rooster I plan to keep, and the other was an 'accidental' that was purchased as a pullet. My accidental rooster is a Gold Laced Wayandotte. He isn't a great roo honestly, he's scared of everything, doesn't treat his...
  6. G

    Barring Question

    Do Barred cochins follow color barring for genders? Dark=pullet, more white= cockerel? I have 2 chicks; a barred cochin father on a partridge cochin hen that is very dark with very little barring. I also have anther chick with the same father but a barred rock mother who is also very dark...
  7. G

    Easter Egger Genders?

    Got a couple Easter Egger chicks, should be about 5 weeks. Any guesses on genders are welcome, and names of their colors would be appreciated if that's a thing. Opal: Agate (cockerel ?) Topaz Emerald
  8. G

    Fodder- Interested In Feeding

    So I recently stumbled on a small scale DIY fodder system for chickens on Pinterest of all places, but I need advice on what seeds/grain to buy from people who have grown fodder for feed. Where to buy? I have a tractor supply nearby, but not much else farm wise. Anything online? What have you used?
  9. G

    Adding Chicks To Existing Mama?

    I purchased 4 6&7 day old Easter Egger chicks planning on putting them under a broody who's eggs failed to hatch, and an existing bantam cochin mother that has 2 3-day old bantam chicks. Both mothers are first time moms. I plan on adding the chicks late tonight, but I'm wondering if it's too...
  10. G

    Bought Eggs Under a Broody Healthy?

    I'm considering buying some local eggs for hatching under a persistant broody, but I'm concerned about the possible health implications of bringing in eggs from an unknown flock. What possible pathogens could this bring in? Could cleaning the eggs stop any possible illness from coming in? Has...
  11. G

    Mouth Discharge, Closed Eyes, Runny Poo

    I've got a 7 month old bantam cochin hen who has had poo stuck on her fluffy butt over the last couple weeks, but everytime she poops when I'm watching it looks normal. Last night we had our first realish (59F) cold front. She went out with her flock to eat this morning, but now her eyes are...
  12. G

    Broody Question

    I have 2 Gold Laced Wayandotte eggs I placed in my bantam coops nest box hoping for one of the cochins to brood on. Instead I got an Old English Game Bantam who set on them immediately. I'm shocked they and her egg even fit under her to be honest. Do I leave her to it, or separate her so a...
  13. G

    Duckling Outside When?

    I have a wild muscovy duckling I rescued, when can it go outside at night? It's about 4(ish) weeks. I have a heatless brooder outside, and the night temps get down to about 76F at the lowest right now.
  14. G

    Muscovy Duckling Age and Gender?

    Any idea what the age of this tyke is? Gender guesses and name suggestions would be appreciated too!
  15. G

    Urgent! Duckling Hit By Car

    3-4 week old muscovy duckling. Can stand if frightened and take a couple wobbly steps before falling down again. No obvious signs of injury, no blood. Have tried not to handle as much as possible. Alert, it's been 3 hours since being hit at least. Set up in bin with newspaper and a brood lamp...
  16. G

    Whole Fock Open Mouth Breathing -Sick or Hot?

    Living in South Florida, I assumed my flock was just hot, but now at 9pm they are still breathing with their mouths open? Granted, it's still 80F outside. I'm not sure wether to be alarmed or not. All are young birds around 5 months. Coop is well ventilated and the free range in the day time. No...
  17. G

    New Layer- Rubber Eggs and Egg Eaters

    I have 11 pullets, 4 of which started laying over the last month. One pullet started laying 5 or 6 days ago, but her eggs are shelless. Membrane only so far, even with the layer crumbles. Unfortunately, they have been noticed by the other pullets as a meal. Now several of my pullets are eating...
  18. G

    Barred Rock Hens or Roos?

    These two timid little stinkers will be 15 weeks tomorrow. Their combs turned pink early, so I suspected cockerels, but they haven't developed much since and they don't seem to be developing pointy feathers (can't recall the term. Edit: saddle feathers.... Duh!), so I'm second guessing my...
  19. G

    Frizzle Cochin Hen or Roo?

    16 weeks, and I'm puzzled. This guy/gal is much smaller than my Rooster that's the same age, but the comb is more developed than the pullets that are the same size as the frizzle. Though it's comb is also no where near as developed as the rooster. The feathers aren't helping me figure this one...
  20. G

    Barred Plymouth Rocks 8 weeks Monday

    Guesses anyone? Barred Rocks will be 8 weeks in 2 days, frizzle cochin is almost 11 weeks. 1st Olive 2nd Coco 3rd Snoopy frizzle
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