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  1. 13LuckyChicks

    Thin-shelled eggs

    This cream legbar hen laid a normal turquoise egg for a couple months. Then she started laying these ultra thin shelled eggs. For the last three months, we always find them crushed or smashed or half eaten in the coop. The last four days, I’ve given her a calcium citrate pill every day. My 11...
  2. 13LuckyChicks

    What breed are these chicks?

    Is there any way to identify a Cream Legbar from an Easter Egger or a Prairie Blue Bell? Hoover sent a box of chicks to my feed store - they didn’t band or identify any of them. It was a box of EE, PBB, Sapphire Olive Eggers, and Legbars. I had specifically ordered a Legbar and was hoping I got...
  3. 13LuckyChicks

    (Non) Crested Cream Legbar hen?

    I bought this girl as a chick 6 months ago from She obviously doesn’t have the crest on her head. She hasn’t laid yet. Is it possible that she is a non-crested Cream Legbar? Or did they just send me the wrong chick?😣
  4. 13LuckyChicks

    Black Jersey Giant pullet or cockerel?

    This BJG is 15 wks. She has lots of color and size in her comb and wattle. Does that mean she’s a he? Otherwise, she has a sweet personality. I’m not good at identifying saddle feathers. To me, it doesn’t look like she has any pointy ones.
  5. 13LuckyChicks

    Black Jersey Giant 6wk cockerel?

    She’s 6wks and a bossy girl. Is this too early to sex? She’s the only BJG in my flock so I can’t compare the comb or feathering well. If you suspect cockerel, why?
  6. 13LuckyChicks

    7wk Brahma

    This Brahma chick was supposed to be a female. Is he/she? This chicken is a brat with the other 12 chicks but very tame (not skittish) with humans.
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