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  1. littledog

    leave broody hen sitting on eggs with rooster

    The hen, once she hatches her babies, will be very protective of them. Since she and the bantam rooster are buddies, it will probably be fine, but you could start by keeping them in their usual area but put up netting in between, just until you make sure everybody gets along.
  2. littledog

    Coffee ground bedding where to buy

    What is the advantage of using dried coffee grounds for bedding, compared to other types of bedding (wood chips, straw, etc) ? Why not get a load of wood chips, a load of coffee grounds from Starbucks or wherever, compost them together and use that?
  3. littledog

    Chicken won’t stop eating her own egg after laying

    Build or buy a rollaway nest box, where the egg rolls down a shallow slope as soon as she lays it, under a barrier where she can't get to it.
  4. littledog


    I can't believe how much the prices of everything to do with horses have increased! The past 5 years hay has doubled in price, so of course the feed stores have followed suit for grain, tack, supplements, even salt blocks! The last time this happened was 2008 when the land value bubble popped...
  5. littledog


    So awesome that he'll most likely be OK! He's gorgeous!
  6. littledog


    Some experienced lesson horses are better teachers than even the human trainers. They totally know what you want them to do, and are perfectly capable of doing it, but they wait for you to be balanced and give a completely correct aid before they will do it. Experienced lesson horses are...
  7. littledog


    LOL, when I graduated college I would have had better career opportunities if I'd decided to continue and get a Master's, but I was so utterly sick of school, there was no way! Your trainer's career trajectory sounds similar to mine, working student and barn manager positions in my early 20's...
  8. littledog


    Same here! I'm glad we usually don't get too hot until July/August here, though if it would please stop raining it would be nice.
  9. littledog

    Purchasing flock, coop, and run - how to move??

    Cruise your local "for free" craigslist for dog crates, wire crates, rabbit cages, anything that shuts securely but also provides ventilation. Banker's boxes with ventilation and taped lids would work OK, just don't expect to be able to use them again, or to keep the chickens in them more than a...
  10. littledog


    Just my opinion, but it seems like our world changes so fast that being too specific in a narrow education for some current demand only leads for a short time to a well-paid career. Then things like AI chatbots, like you say, can totally twist up what is in demand and what is not. Just like...
  11. littledog


    Ten points for landing on your feet! When I was a kid, I fell off bareback many times while just fooling around with other kids, daring each other to do stupid things. Back in the 70's when parents used to let you do stuff. But my most stupid "falling off bareback" incident, was as an adult...
  12. littledog


    Congratulations! He's a beauty, and looks so kind.
  13. littledog


    @HollowOfWisps Holy Toledo, how gorgeous! How old and how tall was he when you bought him, compared to today? What breed?
  14. littledog


    Good for you, you obviously have a talent in the horse industry, so you should continue to pursue what you love and find the right trainers to help you develop your horse talents into a life's work. I'm sure you often hear things from different people like, "OMG, majoring in Humanities...
  15. littledog


    Porkchop is beautiful! And your picture shows such a lovely bond between you and him. I really hope you find a nice horse to lease or buy nearby, for you and your youngster. When I used to teach and be a judge for Pony Club, my favorites were the kids who were around 11! They were ideal...
  16. littledog


    Uggh! I so feel you, with her feet! TBs have notoriously complicated feet, and t's so hard to find good farriers, you try not to make judgements about what they do, because it's a challenge to even get them to show up. Especially harder for you, since you don't officially own Ginger, so you...
  17. littledog

    Pricing questions

    Sounds good, so you should do the math and charge them a bit more than what it costs you to raise them! :)
  18. littledog

    I'm interested in your silver-laced Wyandotte rooster, if he's a nice guy and not mean to people...

    I'm interested in your silver-laced Wyandotte rooster, if he's a nice guy and not mean to people or too aggressive to hens when he breeds them. We want a new rooster to be in charge of our flock of barnyard-mix hens, currently there are 14 dual-purpose hens, mostly Marans and Marans crosses.
  19. littledog

    2 roosters need rehoming Bremerton, Washington.

    Hi, I'd be interested in your Silver-laced Wyandotte rooster. I'll message you.
  20. littledog

    Pricing questions

    Also, it would be important to find out why they would rather get meat birds from you, rather than buying an $8.99 (or similar price, depending on your area) roasted bird from the local supermarket. Do they want safer meat/healthier quality? No growth hormones or unnecessary antibiotics? Birds...
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