first time hatcher

  1. M

    Help First Time Hatcher!!

    Hi! I recently started hatching my first group of 72 eggs. Out of 72 on day 14 I candled and 51 were fertile and growing well. I locked down the incubator at 99.5 F and 65-70% humidity. At 6 pm last night we had four pips on day 18. Since then we have had 6 successfully hatch and have 11 more...
  2. TattooedChickenPapa

    First time hatching, hatching with a broody hen instead of incubator.

    Okay, so I have a Serama I gave 6 eggs to (all have survived thus far🎊🥳) and are due this weekend. I. Am. A. Nervous. Wreck. Obviously I have been reading, doing research, watching YouTube videos, and reading threads on here but I'm so happy, and excited, and utterly terrified/worried. I'm so...
  3. Iluveggers

    Join me on my Classroom Hatch-A-Long, support and advice appreciated!

    Hi everyone! I am SO EXCITED to be preparing for my first incubator hatch, and will be involving my students! I am setting 18 EE/OE eggs on April 19 when we return to school after spring break. I know it is early, but I have LOTS of questions and want to make sure I am prepared to make this as...
  4. green_thumb

    First incubator hatch, with shipped and local eggs

    Hi All! Been several years since I posted (when I first got chicks) but I figured I’d add catalog my experience of trying to hatch incubator eggs. I have a roo, so I let my Cochin sit on a clutch of 12 in spring of 2020. We ended up with 6 chicks! I didn’t separate “mama” so I think most of...
  5. Chaoth

    Silkie Hatching Eggs! Questions

    My silkie hen (Choji) is currently hatching eggs! 1 chick came out yesterday, and another was fresh out of the egg this morning (haven't gotten a pic of the second one yet). Both parents were pure white when we got them, but the papa turned into a splash variant with brown on his head.. both...
  6. S

    First time incubating problems!

    Hey! My names Shelby! I’m from Texas and I’m hatching from an incubator for the first time. I followed directions to a t but on day 21 when I was going to start lockdown 4 of the 5 eggs were rolling around and 3 had already externally piped! Today’s day 22 one has hatched and seems ok, I’m not...
  7. verdefraggle15

    How many days is too many days?

    Hope everyone is doing well today! So after many days and hours of anxiety, stress, and all around going nutty, I am now staring at 17 beautiful baby Barred Holland Chicks🥰 Heres the thing..I have four left in the incubator with not so much as a teeny little pip! Should I leave them for a few...
  8. Sarahgonzales17

    First time incubating

    This is my first time incubating chicken eggs. I am currently on day 14. My candling has seemed to go very well up until eggs seem very “full” and the movement seems very faint. Is this normal?
  9. geecia1135

    What’s the best incubator?

    I bought a LG 10300 I am giving up on it after reading how bad these are I can no longer keep trying. I was so excited because it will be my first hatch of chicks ☹️ So what’s everyone else using? Pros and cons? Please help me I’m in desperate need I have 30 beautiful eggs waiting for me
  10. Pugsabi

    First Hatching Experience. Serama and Japanese Bantam.

    Thank you so much @RainForestBird ! My shipped eggs arrived today. They were packaged beautifully. Unfortunately, USPS not only took them on a scenic route, but they also bounced them about a bit. Even though they only had to cross one state line, it took them four days to get here. They were...
  11. WeTheWeys

    PLEASE HELP!!! Duck Egg Incubation Questions!

    Hi everyone! I am brand new here so I am still figuring it all out. I have so many questions as I prepare for my little babies! Tomorrow I am receiving my duck eggs. I have a Janoel 12 incubator and I am pretty sure the tray is not turning like it is supposed to, so perhaps I will just manually...
  12. orangesplash

    Turning to be stopped on day 18 or after day 18?

    I have chicken eggs in my brinsea maxi 2 ex, should i stop the turning on the 18th day or after the 18th day? Also, when the chicks hatch, when will i give them the medicine to flush off the yolk and when will i give them something to eat? i am a first-timer so need help please....
  13. orangesplash

    Power breakdown on the 3rd day

    don’t know what happened at night, either the electric socket plug got loose or something and the incubator got off for don’t know how many hours. When I came to see the incubator in the morning, it was 23.7 degree Celsius temperature. Have I lost all my eggs ? I am so upset and worried
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