All Hens killed by Dog

I had 2 speckled Sussex 26 months, 2 easter eggers 5 years old, three 26 month barred rocks. Neighbors dog has repeatedly dug under my fence past year and a half to run on my property and I have warned him to control them. I warned him of my livestock. His dogs came on my property and I was alerted by security cam. I texted him to get them and he couldn't find them he said. Then I got horrible alerts from the coop security cam of his Husky killing my hens in their coop. The dog ripped off the side of the run (1/4 inch hardware cloth secured by industrial staples and a board and got in. Then shoved through the automatic door and got into the coop. The coop and run have been proof against racoons, bobcats, coyotes, and a fox for 5 years. It was secure we thought. It has 18 inches of hardware cloth dug out from the concrete barrier at the edges.
The Sheriff came and reported an event. Humane law enforcement came. I am to contact them in 2 days. She termed the dogs a "public nuisance" which I think will result in restrictions on him and how he confines them. I have pictures of everything, even, unfortunately very clear photos of his Husky killing them all.
I am starting to get past the shock, horror, and rage, and just crying and waking up at night and trying to organize my mind what action to take.
I am making a list of damages to give to my lawyer and will purse the dog owner in small claims court.
If anyone can think of anything to add to damages or any experience that will help please let me know. I am in southern CA, and we have fairly strict laws about this, especially when it includes killing to livestock, which includes chickens.
By the way, the dog just killed them and went off and left them laying in a pile.
I am so, so angry and so sad. My husband loved them, too. He built the coop and run and put his back into making them safe and comfortable. One irresponsible person caused this. It did not have to happen.
I am thinking no more chickens. Then I am thinking put in a barrier with electrical wire. That dog will come back, I think
Gosh I'm sorry! Especially since I had similar happen on Jan 22.
I built a 4 foot fence for my dogs and chickens and put an electric fence around but my cousins damaged the electric fence twice with a weed eater.Predators have killed 2 of my chickens since the electric fence was cut.The first time it happened I bought 3 new strands of wire and hadn't even got them all connected before he did it again.

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