Chicken choosing to roost in an unsuitable spot


Jul 18, 2023
I have a hen who constantly chooses to roost on a bar where she doesn’t fit. She’s much bigger than my other hens and there isn’t enough clearance between the roost and the wall for her butt, so to fit she has to kind of balance sideways.

The thing is, we have another much larger roost where she fits with a foot to spare.

I don’t really want to re- make this roost, the rest of the hens fit fine, but I feel bad every time I see her there.

My question is am I worrying about nothing? Would a hen choose a roost where she isn’t comfy? She sits there with her friend and I tried moving both of them to the main roost for a week, but no bueno. They like their small roost.

Anyone have a similar situation?
Are the roosts different widths same height or same width different heights? You said she's a big girl, what breed is she? If one of the roosts is higher she may have a hard time flying up to it because of her size. It's also possible that she's getting bullied by the other birds and forced to sit on the smaller perch.

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