Thanks for including the photo - is the run always covered up with panels like that? Do the chickens stay in there all day? If yes to the above, the lack of light may be why you have reduced laying, as chickens need a certain amount of light daily to trigger laying.
there are two outdoor areas on each side of the coop. the two panels on the front of the coop are for shade. all other sides are open and get sun and great ventilation. i have had chickens for 6 years and this is the first time i’vd had intermittent laying with pullets; which is why i think post-pandemic, its the feed
there are two outdoor areas on each side of the coop. the two panels on the front of the coop are for shade. all other sides are open and get sun and great ventilation. i have had chickens for 6 years and this is the first time i’vd had intermittent laying with pullets; which is why i think post-pandemic, its the feed
outdoor areas are 5x5 ft

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