What did you do in the garden today?

There is a older not as old as us Spaniard took over when a big bulb farm closed went there bought a flat of marigolds my small peppers where decimated by bugs he had serano and jalapeno twice the size bought 2 each of those.


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I miss wild mulberries... Brings back good childhood memories. I planted one this year in my duck pen. Figured they would enjoy the ones that fall to the ground...

Speaking of ducks, I butchered 2 drakes tonight. They were being so aggressive and mean to the girls. I separated them for a month because they were actually causing injuries. They didn't take the hint and got more aggressive after I let them back in the flock. So they are no more... Down to one drake. He's my original boy... He used to be very gentle with the girls. He only started getting aggressive with particular hens after the other 2 started hurting some of the girls. I'm really hoping now that they are gone, he will revert back to being gentle.
You know what? I think I’m gonna buy lavender plant from store, put in nice big pot, and grow inside in my room. It never gets over 75 in there - for long

you can try it but lavender prefers to be outside.

I had it in zone 7b as an annual. once it survived the mild winter but started new grows from the roots. everything above the ground died.
Growing up I was told not to use seeds of fruits etc bc you will not get what you want. Most have been grafted and was told not a great plant- just buy the seeds you want.
Anyone else told this growing up?
The plants grown from mango seeds take about 5 years to bear fruit, and grafted seedlings with its scion from a mature fruit bearing mango tree will take about 2 years to fruit.

They only grow out the seedlings to find new varieties from random or selective cross pollination.

I am going to make a bunch of clones from this Pickering mango tree. I made a mistake and let its tap root set hold in the ground from the holes under the pot. I will either dig it up and move it or keep it pruned and short.

I found that a gallon Ziplock bag with coco coir works the best for air layering mango trees in my area. It takes about 3 months for a good solid root ball to form.

going to water only. goat's run is almost done. I'll make a connection door in a coop that remained outside that run due to a nasty slope and probably put african geese in there. then I'll need coops for khaki campbell ducks (eggs are in the bator, hope they hatch) and for egyptian fayoumis.

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