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  1. K

    Integrating 11-12 week olds

    This is my first time integrating babies into a new flock. I recently two months ago introduced 18-red sex links about 20 weeks into my 11-mystic onyx who are about a year. Things were super easy. I'm not sure what's normal or not. New group of babies there are 27 and a speckled turkey. I...
  2. K

    Rooster comb

    One of my roosters in my bachelor pad has a really large comb. It's kinda funny looking in that it flops over one eye. It doesn't bother him no cuts or marks but is this ok? Pics attached.
  3. K

    First egg now what?

    My oldest hen just laid her first egg!!! I have her approximately 5 months old and 10 mystic onyx hens who are 3 months. Now that she is laying eggs what do I need to do? Change? Feed? Help lol. What can I expect? They have been on Purina non medicated hatch and grow crumble, Purina...
  4. K

    Introducing new flock.

    I just moved my 10-12 week old mystic onyx hens outside to their new coop and run. I need to move one hen from my original 6 that consist of 1 hen and 5 roosters (lucky me!!). What is the best way to do this? Should I move over the 1 hen and 1 rooster from the original 6? I'm rehoming the...
  5. K

    Where to find roosters available

    Is there a location to look for people getting rid of roosters? I am wanting a mystic onyx rooster and where I got my girls requires 5 of the same sex. I'm scared to do 5 un-sexed since my first 6 chicks from tractor supply had 5 roosters and 1 pullet 🤦🏻‍♀️
  6. K

    Rooster or pullets better pictures

    I asked the other day as a first time chicken owner. If I had 5 roosters and 1 pullet. The pictures were a little blurry so I wanted to verify. One of them crows the others have not
  7. K

    Sharing a chicken run

    Has anyone rotated a large run? Back story… I got 6 chickens from tractor supply and wouldn’t you know my luck. 5-6 are roosters. I then purchased black onyx sexed and got 10 females. I just finished a brand new 10x20 run where I made an herb garden, large dust Bathe etc. I was thinking if...
  8. K

    First chicks. Help me sex them!

    Hi I have 6 chicks from tractor supply. I have no idea what their sex’s are. Can anyone help. 1 is definitely a rooster he crows. But the other 5 I have no idea. The white head in the second picture and the 4 picture is my definite rooster. I would honestly say all are roosters except...
  9. K

    Chicken laws in Orange County NY

    Hi I am interested in owning chickens and I have searched all over for regulations. I live in the town of Tuxedo in Orange County NY. I see people around town with chickens but I want to make sure I know regulations. On my town site I only fine talking about dogs and on the Orange County site...
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