
  1. three_grannies

    Broody hen with weakness and difficulty walking

    My 1-year-old Jersey Giant chicken, Maeve, has had a rough couple of weeks and I am hoping to get some expert opinions! Around May 15th, I noticed that several chickens had developed bumblefoot. Maeve was one of the chickens, and this was the first time she had had bumblefoot. We had a lot of...
  2. H

    Eggs didn’t hatch

    I had eggs in the incubator, candled them after a week all looked good. 3 of my hens went broody so I put around 10 eggs under each hen. It’s been way over hatch time so I pulled the eggs this morning and it looks like the babies died in the eggs after putting them under the hens. Only 2 eggs...
  3. L

    Broody Hen that killed chicks, do we try again?

    We had a broody hen but she killed one of the chicks after hatching. We removed the rest of the eggs and transferred to the incubator but didn’t have much luck. She’s still super broody - can I give her another chance to hatch/mother a clutch of eggs? Or is it once a killer always a killer? Help!
  4. Skibum

    Polish X Chicks

    Before I let my white crested black polish roo cross with my mixed flock I desperately was looking of photos of chicks. It was hard to find!! So I am attaching pics of the 3 chicks my broody is raising. One is an EE cross, Wellsummer, and I think the last is an OE cross. Can you guess which is...
  5. saving grace

    Broody Hen with Water Belly

    Hey, so I noticed yesterday when candling the eggs beneath my EE hen that she had a large bulge near her breast. After doing some research, I'm pretty sure it's water belly (could it be anything else?) which is obviously very unfortunate. :( She's been acting completely normal for a broody...
  6. H

    Broody Hen outdoors

    I have an outdoor hen who is now sitting on several eggs. She is determined to stay in an area that is exposed to rain, but shaded so she won't get too hot. It is getting close to her hatching her chicks and I was wondering if I should move her to a more secure location? She gets extremely...
  7. LazyBirds

    Muscovy Duck Leg help

    Hi all! Wishing everyone and their feathery families peace to the mind. ♡ I have 2 muscovy females and one of them seems to have something wrong with her leg. They've both been broody and been in their nests all day for a couple weeks now. Lilith, the injured one, has some kind of scab or cut...
  8. FlockFinderWest

    should I bring my broody chicken in at night?

    Due to spring and because I have a rooster, my hens have been going broody back to back. I’ve been using a wire dog cage and leaving the hen in the run during the day, but during the night I bring her into the barn. I’m kind of getting fed up with doing this every morning and night because with...
  9. hrayb

    Week old chicks and broody hen

    Hi! We got 4 new chicks last weekend, so they are a little over a week old. We now have a first time broody hen. She’s been on the nest for about 3-4 days. We’ve been collecting eggs from her. But one day it was raining and 3 got left under her. So my question is- can we slip the new baby...
  10. Henora

    Cleaning broody hen?

    Hi, Two eggs broke in her nest today or yesterday afternoon and her breast feathers are sticky and stinky. I changed the nest material (actually moved her to a broody pen), but didn't clean the eggs. She's not wet but she's not clean. Should I try and wipe her feathers, legs and bill? If so...
  11. xKaitlin

    Broody duck has eggs of all different stages!!

    So my Aylesbury duck has been sitting on her eggs for almost 28 days now, and I only realised 15 days in that she had been laying the whole time. After candling the eggs I think I’ve got two out of six that are ready to pip but the rest still look quite behind as their air cell is quite small...
  12. MeoWusical

    Beginner Broody or no?

    I have a mallard, Flash, that’s 11 weeks old. Her breast feathers are all patchy, and I can see feathers strewn around the run and sometimes in the pool. When I clean out their water she’s always getting all fluffed up and splashing all over the place (her sisters don’t really do that). When she...
  13. crunchygranola

    Would starlight green eggers take baby chicks as their own?

    I’m a brand new chicken owner with my first flock of chickies. I bought 6 SGEs from Tractor Supply, and I think they’re thriving well. I am planning on getting a few of them butchered to make room for some more chickens (per my city’s regulations) and I was wondering: if I introduce new baby...
  14. ChickenDad19

    Broody hen affecting others’ laying?

    I have 6 hens all a little over a year old. One of my Brahmas has just gone broody. Pulled the feathers off her belly, won’t leave the nesting box, screeching at me and the other hens if we come near, the whole thing. I’m unable to give her fertilized eggs or babies, so I am going to try putting...
  15. Layla_Chickens

    Broody hen!

    I while back I posted about my broody hen and how she was so eager to hatch. Since that day she has still been broody and I have no Idea what to do. I have taken her eggs then have let her laid them, i've separated her then put her back, I've even hand fed her in fear that she'll starve. She...
  16. Emrosenagel

    Broody hen lying down a lot

    Hello! I have a 10 month old Cochin bantam (my problem chicken) who went broody back in January and hatched some eggs in February, as I had a really hard time trying to get her un- broody. I just gave up and gave her some eggs. Anyway, she is apparently ready to go broody again and is...
  17. GlicksChicks

    Copper, First Time Mama Hen Raise-Along

    Hello to everyone who is reading this, I hope you are having a great day! For over a month now I have had a broody hen, a BCM named Copper. She has been really devoted to laying on her eggs, but my hens all fight over one nesting box even though they have 3 identical ones, so she lets them lay...
  18. T

    Broody hen and older chicks in same pen?

    I have a large run/coop for my main flock, and a small side pen for acclimation period for new additions to the flock. I had a hen go broody so I put her alone in the side pen with eggs and she’s been sitting for about 5 days now. I have 3 chicks in my basement that need to go outside in a week...
  19. Lolame777

    Will a Brahma cross hen go broody?

    Hi everyone :) I've hatched and raised Brahmas and absolutely love them but noticed they go broody too often especially in Spring. As much as I love watching them raise their own young it's frustrating because they stop laying especially in Spring when most chooks lay the best eggs. If I...
  20. Pearlescent

    Is my Turkey hen broody?

    My 10-11 month old Turkey hen has been laying almost everyday for the last month. I have been taking her eggs every night, but I recently got her fake eggs to see if she’d sit on them. She sits on them daily, as well as lays an egg everyday, I usually have to remove her from the box. We don’t...
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