rhode island red

  1. Toad2


  2. leifrosenholm

    Rhode Island hen ,wing

    Coming into spring my Rhode Island hen 1 year old, has very little right wing feathers. I thought this was molting but it’s been happening for like 3.5 months. Why could this be? (Note I do not have roosters just little bantam hens)
  3. CityChicken1984

    Help identifying gender of 2 rhode island red chicks

    I know it's way to early, they are only 2 weeks old, but I would really appreciate it if anyone has a good idea or even a good guess of the gender
  4. O

    Otter Poultry - Rudolf & Jowanita De Villiers

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? - Hi, we are Rudolf and Jowanita De Villiers from South Africa. We have been raising and attempt to breed show quality Rhode Island Red and Japanese Bantam chickens. We have been busy for less than a year now, also one of the reasons...
  5. CyborgBabyMama20

    Straight Run Buff Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds

    So, about 6 weeks ago we got 12 straight run chicks from Tractor Supply Co. We got 6 RIR and 6 Orpington. Now, I get the feeling I may only have about two hens of each kind 😅 I’ll share some pictures, and you guys can let me know what you think!
  6. R

    Is this a frizzle gene?

    Is she a Rhode Island frizzle or is something wrong??? Her feathers look different than the other Rhode Island we got the same day. Thanks
  7. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Old hen with infected eye.

    First off, no one panic please or feel bad because Rulu the Rhode Island Red has lived a veryyyyy long happy life. So, today we went out to the ducks, turkeys and chickens and I noticed Rulus eye being shut. I quickly investigated without touching her. Then, I asked my freind to help me put her...
  8. Exploring the World of Chickens: A Guide to Different Breeds and Their Pros and Cons

    Exploring the World of Chickens: A Guide to Different Breeds and Their Pros and Cons

    Chickens are some of the most versatile and beloved domesticated animals, serving as sources of food, companionship, and even pest control in many parts of the world. With a wide variety of breeds available, each possessing unique characteristics and traits, choosing the right type of chicken...
  9. chickenmomma1108

    new/old chicken owner intro

    Hello BYC, thought I'd finally drop in and say "hello". 1. Yes, I'm new to raising chickens (got our first flock members in March of 2022), but old to raising chickens since my family & I did when I was a kid like 20 years ago. 2. We (husband & I) have 20 chickens right now. 2 roosters & 18...
  10. A

    Lethargy, diarrhoea and change in eyes?

    Hi there! Fairly new to the forum, wishing this wasn’t the topic of my first post but here we are. Hillary, one of my lovely Australorp x Rhode Island Reds (18mo-ish) collapsed this morning when she was let out of the coop - I was unable to get a photo as she got up shortly after (and then...
  11. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Fairy Egg & Other Quirks: Should I be Concerned?

    I recently posted about my RIR Willow, who is ~ 4.5 years old. Last week, she started a habit of plucking my molting hen's blood feathers on her vent, so I had to keep her in a separation pen (still in the main run--big enough for a dust bath area, food, water, and a perch). Around that time I...
  12. C

    Rhode Island Red - Strange eyes

    Hi All, Would appreciate some knowledge here, particularly if anyone else has Rhode Island Reds. We're in the UK. Ive attached some photos of our 6 month hen. We got her at 3 months and she was sneezing occasionally. There were also some bubbles in her eyes. Spoke to farmer we got her from, he...
  13. R

    Curious of genders for three 5-6 week Rhode Island Reds

    I recently aqcuired three chicks from a person from work (yesterday, actually.) They got them from a farm supply store (which sourced them from 'Hoover's Hatchery'), and didn't buy them as straight-run or all females, they just picked out the individuals they wanted and the worker grabbed them...
  14. J

    Weird egg laid this morning

    Found this egg this morning thats lighter than usual and has weird circular indentation on it. Whats wrong with the egg/hen that laid it?
  15. layayayle

    Is this cypress bark making our hens sick?? 1 hen with respiratory illness, 1 hen vomiting (maybe from the heat wave?)

    On 6/25, we added this cypress bark mulch blend to our chicken's run. It seemed like a great choice, but with the issues our flock has experienced shortly after adding it, I'm worried that the "blend" part may have something bad in it. On 6/27, I checked on the hens to find Beaux (Ameraucana)...
  16. D

    Washington County Maryland - Rhode Island Red rooster in need of new home

    Hi! We bought chicks that were supposed to be hens and ended up with a rooster. Bought as chicks February 24th, so he is over 16 weeks. Free and looking for a new home
  17. Izzy


    Rhode Island Red. The last to lay her eggs, she had been developing a quiet, protective disposition. Not outgoing but able to be dominated and picked up to be looked after. She endured grandchildren well. Told the dogs what for.
  18. K

    4 week old chicks

    I know it’s early but I like to keep guessing We have chickens already but got them as laying hens. So this is our first time with chicks. We have 6. They were sexed with 90% accuracy so I am always expecting at least 1 to be a roo. I have 2 that I am suspicious of Rhode Island Red Buff orpington
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