Buckeye Hen Suspected Sour Crop Has Green Runny Poop



Apr 11, 2024
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
I have a buckeye hen around 1 year old who developed what I believed to be a sour crop around a month ago and she still hasn't recovered. I tried everything I used for other chickens with sour crop that worked for the other chickens and it did not work. There were times she seemed better and then went back to being bad.

Today when I went out into the coop, she was worse than I have seen her. She had her tail drooped almost to the ground and she was lethargic. There were times she couldn't balance after I let her go.

I brought her inside and these are the 2 droppings she has let out since she has been in. They are not healthy droppings and I hope that someone can help me identify what these droppings mean.

Picture 1 was around 3 pm of today, 04/18/24. Picture 2 was around 9 pm of today, 04/18/24.


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She is alone. I tried to keep her with the others but she just got worse. She held on for a while and then one day I went out and she was not herself at all. She didn't want to eat, drink, or move. I am trying to get her back to being more like herself before I allow her back outside.

I have tried oil, massaging, vomiting, and holding food for 24 hours. She still has the problem.

The thing is that she does not feel too skinny, so she has to be absorbing at least some of the food's nutrients.
If she already has sour crop, these treatments are not enough. You need at least to give her Miconazole to treat the yeast. If you know how to tube feed, please start epsom salt flushing right away. Always give her probiotics and add apple cider vinegar in her water everyday.

I currently have a hen with slow crop for 4 weeks, and her crop finally gets almost flat last a few days. I gave her Miconazole first with coconut oil and massaging, didn't work. So I start epsom salt flushing followed by acidified copper sulfate treatments. Still didn't work. Molasse flush. Didn't work. Tried stool softener (Docusate Sodium 100 mg), then her crop start getting smaller. Restarted epsom salt flushing followed by acidified copper sulfate. This morning, her crop was almost flat with very few fluid in it. I think it will go back to normal soon. She's only allowed to eat baby chick feed and wears a chicken bra this whole time. And she gets coconut oil (or olive oil), probiotics, apple cider vinegar, and massaging every day. I don't know what really helped, but it took really a long time before I saw any improvement. By the way, I know my hen doesn't have reproductive issues, since she laid eggs the first weeks of treatments and last two days. Good luck with your treatments! Hope your girl getting better too.
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She does seem to be perking up a little. Her tail isn't as down as it was when I brought her in, I will most likely be doing an update on her soon!

Thank you for all of those tips! Would shortening work in replacement for the coconut oil?

Where can I get some Miconazole and the Stool Softener? Any specific brand of stool softener recommended?

I do not know how to tube feed but I know how to syringe feed, will that work?

Her crop is not big enough to need a crop bra. Her crop stays very small but it is still squishy.

I am happy your hen is getting better!
I believe you can use olive oil. I just switch between olive oil and coconut oil because she's on the oil for a long time. Any Miconazole 2% or 4% cream is ok. You should be able to find Miconazole and Stool Softener (has to be Docusate Sodium 100mg, not other type) any pharmacy, such as walmart, target, riteaid, etc. Brand doesn't matter, as long as you get the right dosage. You can just use 1ml syringe for these. I got Docusate Sodium 100mg gel, so you can either cut it open or let it soaked in 1ml water. Docusate Sodium is very strong though. I was told to give her one gel each day for two days, and she still has soft stools after 1 week. It may be a good thing! I guess it forced her bowl movement and loosed the blockage in her gizzard.
When was her last egg?

Any swelling or bloat of the abdomen below the vent between her legs?

Have you dewormed? Take a sample of her poop to your vet for a fecal float, if possible, to rule out worms being part of the problem.

The article below is helpful when addressing crop symptoms. Keep in mind that often there is more going on when a crop is not functioning as well as it should.

Photos are always welcome.

If possible, take a sample of her poop in for testing. If she does have worms, then you'll want to treat with an anthelmintic. Sadly, a lot of the natural remedies are not that effective.

I'm sorry she's been sick for a while, sometimes they can have good and bad days, but if she's clearly suffering then it may be time to let her go.
Photos are always welcome.

If possible, take a sample of her poop in for testing. If she does have worms, then you'll want to treat with an anthelmintic. Sadly, a lot of the natural remedies are not that effective.

I'm sorry she's been sick for a while, sometimes they can have good and bad days, but if she's clearly suffering then it may be time to let her go.
She hunches up with her tail down. It hurts me to see her like this and I feel bad making her go through that. Most of the time she doesn't have energy to stand or fight when she is held.

Sadly, I think she may be too far gone. She is my favorite of my buckeye hens. She at least has some children that will be carrying on.
Try bringing another chicken in with her, and put down some straw so they can sort through it. Her mate might perk her up, I've seen it myself. I've been through this before a couple times. Be careful with inducing vomiting. I've not done that purposefully, but I have had a chicken choke to death on fluid that had backed up from her crop. There's more to the story, but not enough to give you any better advice and I don't want to steer you wrong. Mine were Buckeyes too.

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