Chocolate Runner Duck Sexing/Color


Mar 10, 2023
Hi! Anyone with runner duck knowledge know if female chocolates ever have green wing feathers? I’ve got a pair of chocolates - 2 months old. Supposed to be sexed female. I swore they were quacking like females, but they are skittish and quieter in general and their sounds often get drowned out by our other social/loud ducks, so maybe I was hearing wrong. One is DEFINITELY getting green wing feathers and I think the other is actually getting the start of some green too. At what age would a drake feather start showing if one was a drake?

You’ll have to listen over my other loud females, but I’ll post a video of the one with more green feathers making some noise. (Technical difficulties adding video, but I will see if I can get it to post)
When my Black Runners were actually black [they are 7 yrs old now] they had a beautiful purple and green on their wing feathers. They are mostly white now. Around the age of where yours are now up to 12 weeks you can begin to see a drake feather show up. Pick one up and walk off away from the other one and see if you hear quacks.
I kept second guessing myself, but they do quack like my other females. BYC won’t let me post my video, though. I’ll try on my desktop later.

I just didn’t realize the females could have the green feathers! At what age did yours start turning white? I am new to ducks! Loving the runners, and am interested in all the colors.
They are very special ducks. Probably around age 2 I started seeing some white feathers. IMG_1043.jpeg IMG_0236.jpeg IMG_1741.jpeg
It's just them maturing. lol They are now 7 yrs old so this was the transition from about 2 on. Even my blue one is going white but it just isn't as noticeable as the blk ones.

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