Duck Behaviour

Since I only had Muscovy from 2004 until 2016 I had never seen any kind of behavior like this until my Runner drake got his drake feather and when he did that I thought there was something seriously wrong with him. It took me a while of watching to come to the conclusion he is showing off for the ladies. Just what i think this is.
It might be courtship behavior -- who knows ducks might find belching sounds attractive. But I only have drakes that do not have females to court. Mine are more interested in squabbling and pecking order behavior than courtship!
I’ve seen it paired with other courtship behavior, no other time, which is why I believe it’s courtship as well.

I had an all-drake flock for about a year, and they did this behavior together in unison even with no ladies in sight. Usually, they would do this behavior, and then follow it with “head-up, tail-up” soon after. I probably have video(s) of it somewhere.
It's definitely drake behavior although they don't all do it. I have seen it explained as the duck is adjusting its crop but I am not convinced of that is always the case. Perhaps the first time it is adjusting the crop but then they keep doing it as they get pleasure/relief/some other benefit from it
This is one of the drake’s courtship behaviors. The head shakes “build up” to it, and then they rear back and make that “ha-hmm” or “hee-haw” sound.
It might be courtship behavior -- who knows ducks might find belching sounds attractive. But I only have drakes that do not have females to court. Mine are more interested in squabbling and pecking order behavior than courtship!
This is one of the drake’s courtship behaviors. The head shakes “build up” to it, and then they rear back and make that “ha-hmm” or “hee-haw” sound.

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