Free ranging chickens - what chemicals can I use on my lawn for moss?

Yeah chickens.
Avoid the chemicals and allow your chickens to scratch away at it, fence them in the moss only area and soon enough you'll be down to dirt, you can relocate the chickens and re-seed the grass. If you use chemicals you endanger your flock and it all sooner or later ends up within our lakes, streams and oceans.
Save us all the expense of chemical use and let your chickens have at it!
I know of nothing that can control moss and be safe with chickens. I have moss growing in my lawn on the north side of my house (front yard) and I let it go. I would think direct sunlight would make it eventually go away. In my case I dont want to cut down my trees just to get rid of the moss. I let my Salmon Faverolle rooster and his 2 SF hens out front where the moss is and have had no issues. The only thing I know that would probably kill it is HI YIELD KILL-ZALL. I DONT recommend it, it WILL kill everything.
I agree with the others, I would avoid herbicides around your chickens. I would maybe try to put your chickens in a chicken tractor or other mobile pen (kind of what Godzilla suggested) so that they wipe it out - it wouldn't take long.

Moss seems very fragile to me, like it could be wiped out by raking. But I've never had a moss problem as I live in a fairly dry climate.

Or, maybe you could leave it? I kind of like the look of moss, some even plant it on purpose. But everyone has there own aesthetic taste
How about a vinegar/water spray? I have heard that works on some weeds...never tried it on moss tho. Doesn't hurt to try and that won't hurt your chickens either
Or I would try fencing the chickens around it too
That's was a good idea
They would prob love it.
Lets see, Moss loves moist acid soil that is shady. Lime would be safe if watered in but it will not solve the drainage and shade problem. Correct the problems with the soil and light. The moss will then not grow. Gloria Jean
I'm in Renton, and I get the moss desperation. It's kinda like a twilight zone episode. Have you lost pets or kids to it yet?
Seriously, I sprinkle scratch in it and the chickens will scratch it up, and it's regrown by the following week. Although nice, the warm winter just allowed it to grow all year. I'm going after mine with everything at my disposal, in the front yard. I've already limed it. And have the moss-out liquid for a little later this year. In the back, with the chickens, if I use chemicals it will be a liquid that I use in very small areas at a time. I like the liquid moss-out because it turns the moss black almost immediately, then I can pull/rake it out. Hard work there. Good luck and if you find a great solutiuon let me know.

With lots of shade, you will have moss...nothing you can do about it, except change the conditions of your yard. Limb up the trees and let in sunlight, lime the soil. But if you have shade, you will have moss. All grasses need and love sun, some will tolerate shade, but you will have to replant the grass often. No sun, no grass.
The best way to get rid of moss is to add sunshine!

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