My roosters injured a hawk what do I do?

I've had many roosters do a great job at protein the flock from hawks. Some died in the process. 2 of them were great at sounding the alarm and wouldn't attack the hawk until it had a hen. Then they would fight it. The rooster died both times but that hawk didn't come back after that for a long time so he must of beat him up good.
They were a leghorn and a EE or ameraucana.
Just read through this and you have a truly amazing flock.

We have all sorts of birds of prey here. From Hawks to Bald Eagles, they have all either circled my coop or set in nearby trees eyeing the run like a starving person at an all you can eat buffet.

If your birds are in a run, do you have a net up over it? I do and so far no incursions. If a protected species breaches the security I have set up and gets in my run I plan to call the local conservation people and tell them to come get their bird before I turn my Old English Game Bantam roosters loose on it and it dies from death by a thousand pecks. I have no doubt that my roosters would do the same thing and my Fayoumi hens are fierce fighters also.

Sorry the hawk died. They are beautiful creatures but gladder that your hen is okay and your birds took care of the problem.
No, I don't have a net over it. That would be a good idea though. I also think that hawks are pretty or at least until that started attacking my chickens. I mean really there are so many squirrels and birds and stuff around for them to eat why do they try to eat my chickens? Probably because they are in a run and they just look like an easy meal. But I doubt a Squirrel would put up as much of a fight as my chickens. Anyway now I don't really care for the hawks or any bird of prey like that.
Try sprinkling some food-grade DE around the area it was attacked as well. That is why I only use electric zap traps for mice and rats in my garden and around my coop. Everything dies when it gets zapped, including fleas, mites, ticks, etc. That's my biggest fear with dead vermin in my yard, what comes off of them when they die. Yuck.
A hawk attacked my chickens. A white splash mix. Anyway my roosters and a couple of my hens teamed up on it and attacked it. I didn't think they could do that. I just looked outside and saw a bunch of flapping and heard a lot of squawking. And when I got to the pen the hawk was on the ground and the chickens were attacking it.
I'm assuming that the hawk came down and attacked the white splash hen and then the other chickens came in to rescue her. Anyway now the hawk is badly injured lay in my chicken run near the coop
I really don't think it will make it. What do I do with it? Do I try to pick it up and put it in the woods and just let nature take its course? Do I get someone to put it out of its misery? It's illegal to kill them but this one's just laying there suffering. Do I need to call someone?
I would call a rescue or your states department on wildlife. If nothing else they will be able to humanely euthanize the hawk. You can throw a towel over it and put it in a box in the mean time. If they can rehab it...hopefully it will have learned its lesson...just because they are called "chickens" doesn't mean they are!😉

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