New here

Hey I’m new here we got our first batch of chickens just over a year ago now and have absolutely loved every part of keeping them.
Right now we have 18 chickens with plans for meat chickens this summer!
7 standards (1year) -
3 Novogens
1 Barred Rock
1 Dominant Copper
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte
1 Ameraucana

With another two 3 week old standards (EE and Ameraucana)
Bantams -
2 Cochin
1 Millie Fleur
3 Seabrights
1 Silkie

So lots of chickens lol! Plus a Golden and a house cat

I’m also into other crafting things, recently I’ve been getting into leather working, woodworking, and sewing. I’ve been doing drawing for a while too! I’ll add some of my chicken drawings to show

I can’t wait to meet some other chicken enthusiasts! My friends always joke about how much I love my chickens (a lot) so It’ll be nice to have someone to talk too who knows a thing or two
Welcome. Pretty flock. You are a talented artist.

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