Possible prolapse and gleet


Sep 8, 2020
I have a 3-year-old chicken I have been treating for what I think might be prolapse and vent gleet. I've been washing with Dr bronner's antibacterial soap, soaking in Epsom salt baths, spraying with antimicrobial spray, and once even tried to sugar scrub for shrinking. I have her separated from the flock in a kennel in the hen house with her own slightly infused vinegar water and food with grit. She has been this way for 6 days and has yet to lay an egg but seems to be eating, drinking and pooping just fine. Can these things heal themselves if I continue these home treatments? Is there anything else I could be doing? I've made phone calls to try to find a vet in my West Michigan area and it's been really hard. I've gotten second opinions from other chicken owners and it seems I'm doing everything I can. I thought I would consult this forum that may have even more experience.

Here's a couple photos. What is that build up at the end? Fatty deposit? She acts like she's trying to push it out but I feel like it's probably supposed to go in? Is there anything else I can do and how long can we do this?
So just tonight I worked the fatty material off after softening it in warm Epsom salt water. It is raw looking and I was able to gentle push it back in. 6 days from first notice. I plan to still start antibiotics and hope for the best.
I'm wondering if it's a tumor and a expulsed follicle caught on it.
Hmmm interesting. I wonder. She's still acting like a normal chicken. Ate all her food drink water and pooped. Not acting lethargic or strange really at all. Red comb and wattle. I just tonight, 6 days later, slowly and gently worked that build up off the end and exposed a raw what looks like inner part of her vent. I was able to gently guide it back inside and it has stayed so far. I plan to check in the morning.

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