Roosters are awesome

It's still a cool sign! šŸ˜„
Yes it is... I do have a white board in the barn where the coops are but in reality if you've gotten that far, it's way too late....šŸ„“
Roosters are my favorites. They are the gentlemen of gentlemen. They lead, they keep order in the flock, they warn the girls of threats, they protect with their life, and they don't eat food first - they give it to their hens and only eat if there is anything left. I make sure my three roosters get special treatments and time to show them how much I appreciate them.
They're not all like that unfortunately.
Roosters can be gentle until they are not. Like Bulls, Jacks, Stallions, and other intact males of the livestock kingdom they can turn on you.

Our friend's 18 year old son was herding their Jersey heifers to a new pasture. Their Jersey bull, which their son had raised, didn't like the heifers being move. The bull killed their son.

NEVER take Roosters for granted! šŸ“

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