Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

Why would it wreck the neighborhood? I think that's an excessive fear of social consequences which are unlikely to materialize.

Second, you should probably call the cops on her whole person instead of just one body region. Her hands and feet were just as much to blame.
It looks like she was doing a "Let my dog decide where to walk" tag-along, and when he decided to hunt for birds she was like "What a good hunter, lets go on the neighbors property and attack their animals for fun" as when the chicken ran off she let her dog follow and jumped into a jog to keep up with him. That there is some criminal activity, she found it fun enough that she's likely to come back, IMO.
I hate to say it but you absolutely should call the cops and charge her for trespassing. I personally don’t mind people letting there dogs sniff around in my front yard and driveway but purposely chasing and harassing someone’s animals is completely unacceptable and stuff like that absolutely needs to be punished.

however if you are truly trying to avoid that, i would have a talk with her and make sure she understands if she tries it again then there will be consequences. Sometimes people don’t think and just act out of impulse, not that it makes it any less of an issue. But if she tries to do it again, go straight to the police.
Yeah, this one is worth creating neighbor drama over. This is not like when my dogs physically pulled me into the neighbors yard to greet their puppy (who was overwhelmed but not terrible stressed) despite my efforts to stop them. Watching that video it seems likely she will do this again. It seems like it was just stressful for your chickens this time, but next time you might not be so lucky. I really don't think it's asking too much to expect neighbors you don't have a close relationship with to stay off your property.

If you want to take the diplomatic high road, I would share this video with the police and file a report but tell them you don't want to press charges, you just want a report on file in case it continues to happen. Then, assuming you know where she lives, go talk to the neighbor and let her know you have video footage of her entering your property and have filed a report with the police and any further trespass will be prosecuted.
Why would it wreck the neighborhood? I think that's an excessive fear of social consequences which are unlikely to materialize.

Second, you should probably call the cops on her whole person instead of just one body region. Her hands and feet were just as much to blame.
It looks like she was doing a "Let my dog decide where to walk" tag-along, and when he decided to hunt for birds she was like "What a good hunter, lets go on the neighbors property and attack their animals for fun" as when the chicken ran off she let her dog follow and jumped into a jog to keep up with him. That there is some criminal activity, she found it fun enough that she's likely to come back, IMO.
I’m just so flabbergasted
If you don't want to call the police or call bylaw I would get some chalk, draw a line and write a message at the end of your driveway basically saying if you cross this line you are trespassing or you are on camera or get a rope and string it across your driveway. I would nip this in the bud. She obviously doesn't respect your property and her dog will kill your birds, plus she just chased one off your property. I would be really angry about this, she has alot of nerve.

*She is the one wrecking the neighbourhood, put her in her place
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