A.C.F. Rescue is a special needs animal rescue, helping any animal with a disability or is unwanted. Check out our current animals below... I'll try to keep it updated!

This is Penny... she is a half blind Buff Orpington. She was abandoned in a small pen along with Gloria (who I will introduce below) crammed with 15 other chickens. We don't know if she was born half blind, or something else caused it, and we don't know her age. She is a love bug, friendly with any animal and loves to be held and patted.

Meet Gloria... a barred rock with a rockin' stink eye! She was abandoned in a small pen (along with penny) crammed with 15 other chickens. She may look mean, but she is a alert and loving chicken, always looking out for her flock. She adores Penny and always is calling the others back into the yard when they get to far away. She has a leg problem... it may of been caused by a horse stepping on her foot, making one of her toes curve inward and causing her to limp. She also has a respiratory issue, which is in the process of being treated with Tylan 50.

Introducing....Nellie! She is a 2 year old Buff Orpington... who was bullied very hard before she came to us. All her tail feathers were plucked out and she was timid and shy. Now she will follow me around the yard and wait at the gate to go free ranging with her pals. She lays us a egg everyday, as well!

This is Lucy, a 6 month old black Australorp with quite a personality! She is a homey chicken, hates to be away from her flock and will fly over 5 foot fences to get to her friends! She follows me everywhere, and with Nellie at her side, will free range the day away! She loves to hop onto my back when I bend down and hitch a ride. She has a crooked beak, which, thankfully doesn't affect her at all!

Meet Sophia, a lovable 6 month Delaware hen! She has a twisted back, which makes her walk sideways and sometimes will fall over while trying to keep up with the younger chickens. She has changed so much since the day we got her... she loves people, and her flock. She will sit for a hour and be happy being scratched between her feathers.

This is Luna, a 4 year old Rat Terrier/Patterdale Terrier mix. She is a lovable girl, and always watches out for her chickens and hamsters. She will perk up at the words, "Walk, run, treat or squirrel" (As all dogs do...) She does agility and has been trained to "seek" things that were hidden or lost when told, with a reward at the end.

This is Pip, a 2 1/2 year old Roborovskii Dwarf hamster. He was rescued from a animal shelter, he had been there for about 6 months because nobody wanted him because he was timid and bit. He is now much more used to handling and petting, and loves to cuddle up in ripped tissue paper in the daytime!

This is Smokey, a 6 month old Siberian Dwarf Hamster... he and his brother Bear were rescued from the animal shelter. He loves to squeak to himself and enjoys to run on his wheel at all hours of the night!

And this is Bear, a 6 month old Siberian Dwarf Hamster. He and Smokey are close brothers, love eachother to death! Him and Smokey were rescued from the animal shelter after a man owned over 50 hamsters and finally surrendered them to the shelter because he couldn't care for them any more.

And yes, I do name my fish and do take pictures of them!
This is Shrimp...

This is Bubbles... (he's a special breed, he's called a crowntail because of his special tail.)

And Fin!

This is Trixie, our newest addition. I found a ad of craigslist, saying "Free bunnys" I emailed the lady and went to see her setup and her bunnys. She had 3 for sale, a lionhead, a rex and another young lionhead, who happened to have a leg problem. Her leg is limp and doesn't hurt, but she drags it behind herself when she hops. Trixie came home and is currently living inside in a guinea pig cage until we get a rabbit hutch for her for outside. She is 1 year old and is completely friendly... she loves to snuggle and be patted.

Well, thanks for checking out my page, and look on my blog for daily pictures and stories of my little menagerie!