The wife and I have been contemplating a coop for a while. The build started when I was given a choice. Build one, or buy one!
I wanted to build as I believe the quality would be better and last a lot longer. Only problem was... I had not made anything since first year of high school, and I only made a wooden pencil case. So my woodworking skills were lacking along with confidence to build one.

I began to plan by checking out many Coops on this site and Youtube. I then downloaded a design program and drew up a rough design with rough measurements. This was not the final design, but gave me something to start with.

Off to the hardware store and picked up some tools, screws, posts, framing timber, plywood etc. Did I mention I have not built anything. I recall staring at the timber for ages wondering where to start.

Dimensions were 1200mm x 1200mm and 600mm high. I then framed up the base with extensions for the external nesting boxes. After that, I put the floor down and began to build the frame. A mate helped with the frame.

I decided to make the top of the frame 1000mm high then frame the roof. Felt it didn't need to be any taller as my wife and I are not tall. Next stage was to cut the ply and make the door. The sides have windows with mesh in them for ventilation. I later made some frames out of trim to neaten it up. What a learning experience. Angles and wood! I also developed some OCD's building this.

I famed up an access door for cleaning purposes.

the door is made from 3mm aluminum and I put tarp rails on the internal part as a runner. I then hooked up some pulleys. Door is 300mm x 400mm.

2 nesting boxes.
The sides were completed and painting completed prior to the trim being put on.

The coop will be put in the backyard very soon then chickens added when the run is completed. We live on 1 acre so they will get to roam around the yard. Ladder completed but needs to be painted.
Hoping for 4 to 5 chooks. Would like Australorps or Isa Browns.