Reviews by ChatKath47

I really enjoyed this article as I have three ladies and one, Jane-Amerucana, always comes running up to me to have me pet her. She sqats down, puts her wings to the side and lets me pet her back while I talk to her. The other two ladies, Blondie-Leghorn, and Samantha-Amerucana, have started to come and squat once in a while to be petted, but are selective as to when I can pet them. They all LOVE to peck at my shoes so I get the chance to chat with them out in the coop and as they free range they follow me. I had a bag of shredded lettuce for tacos that went brown overnight so I went out and boy did the ladies love the lettuce. I give them a hefty handful each time I go out and they thank me with happy chatter and pretty green and white eggs. Love those birds!!
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