Reviews by ChickenAgain

Coping With Death In Your Flock: 4 Actionable Steps

6 min read
4.90 star(s) 20 ratings
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During my first year of keeping chickens, I've been loosing several every month. It turned out that the CL man who sold them to me was breeding an unhealthy flock. I spent thousands on vet bills, only to bury them a couple months later. They died of anemia and congenital disorders. These losses were so hard on me that they actually changed me- I stopped caring for how i look, became withdrawn and prone to crying when thinking of my girls. Now looking back, the loss of my chickens was far more traumatic than divorce, break up, betrayal etc. The worst was when my dogs broke the fencing and tore apart 5 chickens. I came back home with my children and saw mutilated bodies of the birds that I loved so much. We were burying these poor chickens and even the meanest neighborhood boys were crying. I now have a double fence, buy only healthy chickens, if i notice any problems, go to the vet and demand an antibiotic. Sometimes chickens develop cancer or the could have congenital disorders. It really is not your fault.
I'm so sorry for all of your losses! There is a huge learning curve when getting into raising any kind of animal, and monumental losses like your are so hard to cope with.
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