Reviews by HappyHart

A Change In Diet from dry to fermented, facts, myths and experience.

16 min read
4.88 star(s) 8 ratings
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This is a great, down-to-earth article with intelligent thought about what it really does to feed the chickens fermented feed. I agree with you completely. They are made to eat rough food and don't need us to process it for them. Thank you for using your brain and saving me from going through all of that! haha I have had an issue with my hens not eating enough of the commercial feed which seems to have effected their egg production. Some eggs have been soft shelled or not made at all. They do love to 'eat out' and free range so much that they fill up on some less nutritious stuff in the field. I have settled on making a mash about 4 times a week so they will eat more of it at least once a day. Also, I made sure to keep a large pan of crushed oyster shells out for them to eat when they feel they need it. I hope it solves the issues. Time will tell.
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