Broody Hens Vs. Incubators The Pros And Cons

Absolutely nothing beats a broody hen. Nothing. That is the way nature intended it.
As for "breeding out the broody gene", that is practically impossible. I have had hens and pullets go broody in the winter too. All of my birds are hatchery stock or hatched from it.
The single biggest Con to an incubator IMO is that YOU have to raise the chicks. Using a broody means you just get to enjoy the entire process of her setting the eggs and raising the chicks.
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momma and babies first day out.jpg
What's that noise? the old man asked the old lady. She purring to her babies the old lady replied. Purring in rythum and tone. She's telling them everything they need to know. About Hawks and worms, digging and dusting, these god awful feathers that make us itch. From running and hiding to come see what I found. Yes, everything thay will need to know.
Indeed this is a wonderful article! Clean cut pros and cons. We, the old couple, are 4.3 weeks post-Broody Hen hatching. Mom and her 6 chicks are seemly doing fine. I have spent so much time working to upgrade the coop. It's a good excuse to just be with them. Listening and watching are in itself is the most rewarding time in my retirement. If the coop was any closer I would be out there a lot more! But this time around I am Human and this old house with this old man needs attention too. Good, very good comparison.
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Thanks for contributing this article.
Nice article of pros and cons although brooding isn't really discussed. It's a lot of work taking care of chicks and broodies do it expertly. On the other hand, I have a broody who isn't afraid of me but has taught her chicks to be. She won't let them eat or drink until I leave the coop. It's a major disadvantage to have a whole group of chicks that has been taught to fear me. They literally fly in all directions when I come close. My other broody likes and trusts me and her chicks run to me and can be picked up, no problem. They were both given the same mix of eggs so this is nurture, not nature. Broody hens have personalities that also shape the personalities of the chicks they raise.
Thank you for the information. I’ve only done broody hatching so this was very helpful.
Interesting article and lots of food for thought for someone trying to decide which route to take.
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Good job of explaining the pros and cons of broody vs incubator!
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gives the pro and cons unbiased
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