Buffalo Gnats and what You NEED to Know!

I had never heard of buffalo gnats, but a quick google search turns up the info that these beasties are known as Black Flies up here in New England. I had not known they could kill birds! They are annoying as snot to humans, I can attest. I will be watching now! Thank you for the article - and tips!
Wow, what a stressful time, I’m sorry you and your birds went through that. Thanks so much for sharing your story, definitely helped me a lot. I’m going to get some permethrin before the stores are all out and try to stay ahead of a possible fly problem this spring.
Thanks! I know the buffalo gnats are coming soon and this article will help me protect my flock.
Your so welcome, im so glad your birds will be safe with a knowledgeable tender!
… if those nasty critters ever show up here i know now what to expect and what to do to protect my ducks. Well written article and comprehensive.
I'd never heard of gnats until reading this article. The information about them, how they can harm birds, permethrin, an example permethrin brand/product, and links to more information is really helpful. (Thanks!)
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You're very welcome and thank you for a very nice review!
People should read this and probably the thread relating to it.
This should be in the learning center.
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Yours was the first case I ever read about these beasts killing birds. I’m so sorry for your loss, but thank you for sharing your experience and all your research!
Thank you so much for your condolences and kind review! :love
Some minor editing for typos would help make the article better.
Im sorry i have tried and ill try again
Good to know about permethrin, thank you. Sorry about your birds :(
Thanks for a timely review. I have only had one loss so far spraying with permethrin and vanilla. We tried lemen grass essential oil it seemed to help too but is pricey so was discontinued. Here are the best deals I could find for permethrin and vanilla. note this is a high concentrate of permethrin and is why it's a deal could make about 8 gallons of 1 percent permethrin solution I will be using 2 percent myself. most prays are between 1.5 and .5.


Thanks so much for your kind comments and research to provide links!
What a horrible situation! Who knew? :confused: Thanks for taking the time to bring this to peoples attention. Keeping the permethrin on hand is excellent advice, not just for gnats, but for other bird invading beasts as well. :thumbsup
Thank you so much! Your right!
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