
I remember a thread where someone wanted to put an addition to the Sentinel coop, so here's how I did mine.

Back in 2021, when we got our second batch of chicks, we purchased a Producer's Pride Sentinel Coop from Tractor Supply. For $400, it seemed to be well-made and we didn't have time to build our own.

Two years later we were finally able to build the Muddy Run, and the Sentinel was vacant for about six months until we rescued two roosters. One was placed in the Sentinel Coop and I bought two hens to keep him company.

The Build (with Pictures)

The area of the run inside the S coop is roughly 18 sq. ft. (6 x 3). I knew I wanted to have three birds in the coop (a rooster and two hens) so I built a 6 x 4 run on the back for a total of 42 sq. ft.

I started by laying down four 2 x 4's to form a frame.

Then added two corner posts...

...followed by two slanted posts. These hold up the top part of the frame. They are just resting against the metal bars, but are held in place by the cross posts and the center board.

After that I stapled the hardware fabric onto the sides with Helen's supervision.

A OSB board laying around was screwed on for the roof.

The hardware fabric was ziptied to the metal frame with the strongest ties I could find. These are from Lowes, and meant to stand up to severe weather.

Folding the hardware fabric over the door was the hardest part, as I was trying to hold it down and ziptie it at the same time (I was alone).

The last step was to fill in the gaps between the frame and the hardware fabric. I do not have a picture of this.

Originally, I had just stapled the hardware fabric to the frame, but it wasn't very strong so I used screws with washers to attach it more firmly.

I am happy with the final product, and the hens seem to be too. I hope this article was helpful to those of you who might want to put an addition on your own prefabs. If you want any more pictures of a specific part, I'd be glad to get them for you :).

Thank you for reading!