Caring For Chickens in the Fall

Apples are great but it should be mentioned that the seeds are toxic and should not be given to chickens.
Very good article with great advice for those who live in the winter climates.

I live in Florida where the temperature stays around the 60s.

Is there anything I should be looking to fix or change in my climate?
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Excellent article. I have had chickens for years and I love the reminders. It is easy to forget how horrid Winter is and how easy it is to get molds and other viruses in our flocks. It is supposed to snow here in 5 days (Alberta) after an amazing Summer and it is easy to forget that we need to be prepared ahead of the weather.
It was crazy for me, a first time chicken owner, when the days started getting shorter and the leaves started falling, how much my chickens changed. They started to look so dull and sickly. I had no idea about molting. Thank you!
Great advice! I will try giving my birds pumpkin this year
This article is a good reminder to get started now for winter prep.
Why 90% commercial feed? Isn’t it better if they forage primarily, eat our kitchen scraps (including meat and cheese) and fill up with feed if they’re lacking? I’m inclined to let them trust their instincts.
Excellent advice for first time chicken owners; thanks!
Great article. Thanks!!
Great info, especially for those who are new to chickens!
Great article on caring for chickens in the fall! I found it very helpful, and will apply some of these tips to my flock in the next autumn.
Why moderation of mealworms? I usually give dried mealworms ( 1.5c for 4 hens) to my chickens everyday along with the regular organic layer feed. I hope I'm not doing something wrong by overfeeding mealworms.
Thank you for this article!
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