Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!

the first bantam is the first of a breed and should, therefor, not count. That makes 32 1/2 in stead of 33. And if your little chicks are of a breed other than your existing breeds, then the first one of those shouldn't count either. so that would be another 2/3 less. But I leave it to you. If you want to count yourself rich in chickens, go ahead and count them. LOL
Ha! I'll have to consult with the great mathematicians in the halls of chicken about that one! Since a Bantam counts as one but you're right... it would be the first of it's breed as well... I think you have beat the test. Therefore, you have to write the next article. Congrats! ;)
This is one of the most creative and enjoyable articles I have ever read. I especially love the quiz at the end. Excellent touch.
I told my husband I don't really have 8 chickens. This proves that I only have 1/2 of a chicken!

Seriously, though... this is a clever and well-written explanation of chicken math. Love it, love it, love it! And the quiz - GENIUS!!! Thank you!
Don't forget to round up... he may catch on if you say you have 1/2 chicken. Go with 1 to be safe. ;D
Finally! An article to prove my chicken match theories to others! I thoroughly enjoyed the writing of the article, as well as the pictures! The quiz at the end was a very nice touch as well! Thank you!
Now I have my defences all prepared.
Absolutely 100% accurate explanation of proper poultry calculations for those new to or unfamiliar with the intricacies of poultry keeping. Well done!
That is just a plain excellent picture you have there. Based on proper chicken math I think you have about 15. :) Not sure how many of those little chicks you have under that Australorp though, I stopped at 8. haha. That's a great coop though, thanks for sharing!
I can tell quite a lot of thought and mathematical study went into the making of this article and I love your creative interpretations for calculating accurate flock size. Thank you for the detailed lessons and examples.

Since all my birds are different breeds and lay different color eggs and also have names, I just learned that my flock has been justifiably reduced down to one! I can't keep a poor lone chicken so it must be time to add more!

(A tiny suggestion for improving your article legibility would be to make the font size for each Proof # Title much bigger to help set apart each main section from the other bold text)
You ONLY HAVE ONE CHICKEN! My goodness time for MOOOOREEEE!!! :) Thanks for the note, I'll try to adjust the font!
Why can't I give this article 50 stars?
I can't, so I'll give you all a warning, instead. Do NOT read this unless you have:
  1. Already used "the facilities"
  2. Put down your coffee, soda, drink of any kind
  3. Have something to take when your head starts hurting or when that stitch in your side gets unbearable.
  4. A tissue ... or two ... or three.
I do have to point out a possible "degree of error" in the answer key. If all of those chickens have names ... wouldn't your count still be "ZERO?"
MROO- excellent observation. Yes if all of those chickens were named they would not count. However, don't forget the golden rule you always have to have at least one chicken. So you can just reply "yes, I have one chicken". :)
Didn’t do the math, but I love you’re pictures. The are worth 5 *****.

To tell the thruth. I expected to learn abouth an other kind of chicken math. The one were you calculate the color in breeding experimens when crossing different colors.

There is one that does. Its called chicken jungle.
This one is more about calculating our uncontrollable flock augmentation efforts. ;) But that is a super cool site! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for writing this - cracked me up!
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