My boyfriend has been wanting to do backyard chickens for a couple years. This year he finally decided it was time and got three baby chicks in March. They were in a box on the dryer with a light hanging over them for the first few weeks then moved to a larger box in the front room. As April rolled around it was time to get a house built so they could move outside.

When deciding to build a coop he wanted to go with as much recycled items as possible. It worked great and he was able to make it all without really shelling out much money for supplies. The run is beside the house so there was no need to build any fencing. He used some plastic fencing for the entrance. This gives them a nice area to spend the day and in the afternoon and evening they are allowed to explore the whole yard. They have been outside for about four months now and it is working great.

The actual house if made from using two kitchen cupboards that were taken out when a new refrigerator arrived. He took the two cupboards and cut holes in the back of each. He then screwed them together back to back making it so that there is two door access on both the front and the back of the house. He found an old tree limb from pruning and cut it to size and screwed it into the front cupboard for a roost.


The legs are made from recycled 2x4 boards and the roof is made from a piece of 2 x 6 and some plywood that was not being used. His mom had some shingles in her garage that she wanted to get rid of so those were used on the roof to keep it nice and dry for the ladies. The entry platform and ramp were made from old pieces of wood that were in the back shed.

The back of the house opens up for easy access to the eggs. So far one of the three has been laying everyday. Pine shavings are used in the front and back for comfort. It is easy to clean out once a week and the ladies seem to be happy. The only purchase was the hook and eye latch on the front and back doors to keep them secure.

This was a very easy to make coop that has been very functional. We love our chickens!!